EduChem Hidrokarbon A Green Chemistry Based Discovery Learning Media on Hydrocarbon Nomenclature
Abstract: This study aims to develop Educhem Hydrocarbons based on Green Chemistry using the Discovery learning learning model on the nomenclature of hydrocarbon compounds. This study applies the Research and Development (R and D) method with the Brog and Gall approach. The research sample amounted to 44 students of class XI. The instruments used are validation questionnaires, student response questionnaires, pretest posttest questions and student activity observations. The results show that the learning media is declared valid with a validity value of 93.93 percent, practical with a small scale of 89.76 percent and 93.53 percent of a large scale. The effectiveness of the media based on the value of small-scale N gain 0.71 and large-scale N gain 0.73. The effectiveness based on student activities on a small scale is 90.71 percent and a large scale is 92.99 percent. This shows that the Educhem Hydrocarbons learning media based on Green Chemistry is declared suitable to be used as a learning resource on the subject of nomenclature of hydrocarbon compounds.
Keywords: learning media, discovery learning, green chemistry, hydrocarbon nomenclature.
Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan media Educhem Hidrokarbon Berbasis Green Chemistry menggunakan model pembelajaran Discovery learning pada materi tata nama senyawa Hidrokarbon. Penelitian ini menerapkan metode Research and Development (R dan D) dengan pendekatan Brog and Gall. Sampel penelitian berjumlah 44 siswa kelas XI. Instrumen yang digunakan yaitu angket validasi,angket respon siswa,soal Pretest Posttest dan observasi aktivitas siswa. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa media pembelajaran dinyatakan valid dengan nilai kevalidan 93,93 persen, Praktis dengan nilai 89,76 persen skala kecil dan 93,53 persen skala besar. Efektivitas media berdasarkan nilai N gain skala kecil 0,71 dan N-gain skala besar 0,73. Efektivitas berdasarkan aktivitas siswa pada skala kecil sebesar 90,71 persen dan skala besar 92,99 persen. Hal ini menunjukkan media pembelajaran Educhem Hidrokarbon berbasis Green Chemistry dinyatakan layak digunakan sebagai sumber belajar pada pokok bahasan tata nama senyawa hidrokarbon.
Kata kunci: media pembelajaran, pembelajaran discovery, kimia hijau, tatanama hidrokarbon.
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