Effectiveness Blended Learning During Pandemic in Indonesia A Meta Analysis

Ronal Watrianthos, Rosmidah Hasibuan, Dheo Rimbano, Nizwardi Jalinus, Rijal Abdullah


Abstract: The current blended learning method, which mixes online and traditional classroom instruction, is appropriate for the epidemic. According to various research studies, blended learning benefits students by allowing them to study independently without regard for location or time constraints. This article explores and describes the use of the blended learning paradigm during a pandemic using a meta-analysis technique. The objective is to determine the effect of blended learning on learning outcomes; according to the conclusions of a research released in 2021 based on ten published articles, employing the blended learning approach greatly improved learning outcomes during the pandemic, with an effect size value of 1.21. However, the outcomes of this study suggest that publication bias exists as a result of an unbalanced distribution of effect sizes.

Keywords: blended learning, pandemic, meta-analysis

Abstrak: Metode blended learning saat ini menjadi metode yang paling sesuai dimasa pandemic dengan menggabungkan pembelajaran online dengan metode kelas berbasis tradisional. Beberapa studi literatur menyatakan blended learning memberikan keuntungan bagi siswa untuk dapat belajar secara fleksibel, bebas, tanpa terhalang ruang dan waktu. Penelitian ini mengkaji dan memberikan penjelasan mengenai penerapan model blended learning di masa pandemic dengan metode meta-analisis. Tujuannya adalah mengetahui pengaruh Blended Learning terhadap hasil belajar. Hasil study pada sepuluh artikel yang diteliti yang terbit pada 2021 menyatakan penerapan model blended learning di masa pandemic memberi pengaruh yang tinggi terhadap hasil belajar dengan nilai efek size sebesar 1.21. Namun hasil penelitian ini memperlihatkan indikasi terjadinya publikasi bias karena distribusi efek size yang tidak simetris.

Kata kunci: blended learning, pandemic, meta analisis.


DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.23960/jpmipa/v22i2.pp270-278

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