Tracing The Trajectory in Acquisition of Graphical Skill to Students Through Creative Sorting Game

Olubunmi Michael Odewumi


Abstract: Educators have been striving to bring to reality learning through playing and fun.  It is real obvious that the use of game has brought positive changes to instruction.  Therefore, this study investigates the acquisition of graphic skill through creative sorting game among the junior secondary schools.  The study employed experimental of  pre and post test from quasi, samplings consisted of 69 students of which are 34 male and 35 female students,  based on simple random sampling.  Two hypotheses were raised and tested with ANOVA and t-test statistical analysis. Findings revealed that creative sorting game was positive in the context of teaching creative arts and it was recommended that  the use of creative sorting game should be encouraged in learning among the junior secondary schools in Nigeria.

Keywords: creative sorting game, graphical skills, junior high school, quasi experimental design.


Abstrak: Pendidik telah berusaha mewujudkan pembelajaran melalui bermain dan bersenang-senang. Sangat jelas bahwa penggunaan game telah membawa perubahan positif pada instruksi. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini menyelidiki akuisisi keterampilan grafis melalui permainan sortir kreatif di antara sekolah menengah pertama. Penelitian ini menggunakan eksperimen pre dan post test dari quasi, sampel terdiri dari 69 siswa yang terdiri dari 34 siswa laki-laki dan 35 siswa perempuan, berdasarkan simple random sampling. Dua hipotesis diajukan dan diuji dengan ANOVA dan analisis statistik t-test. Temuan mengungkapkan bahwa permainan sortir kreatif adalah positif dalam konteks mengajar seni kreatif dan direkomendasikan bahwa penggunaan permainan sortir kreatif harus didorong dalam pembelajaran di antara sekolah menengah pertama di Nigeria. 

Kata kunci: permainan sortir kreatif, keterampilan grafis, sekolah menengah pertama, desain eksperimen semu.


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