This a quasi-experimental research is to show the enhancement mathematical reasoning ability and self-regulated learning of students as impacts of the implementation of guided discovery instruction on mathematics learning. Subject of this research is 61 students at grade X SMAN 10 Yogyakarta were divided into two classes. From the two classes, one class are chosen as experimental class and given guided discovery instruction treatment, while other class are chosen as control class and given the conventional learning treatment. Instruments used in this research are mathematical reasoning ability test, prior ability of mathematics test, and self-regulated learning scale. Conclusions of this research are enhancement of mathematical reasoning ability and self-regulated learning of students that given guided discovery instruction treatment is better than students with conventional learning, there was an interaction between the instructional category and the prior ability of mathematics on enhancement of mathematical reasoning ability and self-regulated learning.
Keyword : guided discovery, kemampuan penalaran matematis, Self-Regulated Learning, kemampuan awal matematika
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