Neni Hasnunidah


The aim of this research was to analyze the using of  mockups on learning Ekcosystem towards critical thinking skills at the contructivism based learning (discovery learning, cooperative learning, and problem based learning) by using analyses comparative methods. The result at junior high school showed that mockups at the third contructivism based learning can increase critical thinking skills of “Ecosystem” level (α=0.05). Based on data analysis shows that there is average N-gain critical thinking skills difference significant between use discovery learning (0,62) with problem based learning (0,53) with mockup, between cooperative learning (0,60) with problem based learning by mockup. While between treatment mockup and discovery learning with mockup and cooperative learning there is no average difference significant. Besides, anova and LSD test show there is no average difference N-gain ability berargumen significant between third treatment, while for ability deduction, induction,  and evaluation there difference. The use of mockups in the discovery method can enhance students' skills does induction on the third than the other skills. While the use of mockups in the cooperative learning and more problem based learning can enhance the skills of doing evaluation. Based on student conception be known that mockups at the contructivism based learning can motivating student and facilitate understanding of the material, so that can explore critical thinking skills of students that make it easier for students to solves problem.

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