The purpose of this study was to improve student learning outcomes in Geography subjects XI IPS 2 MA Alkhairaat Tondo. This research is a class action research. Each cycle consists of planning, implementing actions, observing, and reflecting. The research subjects were 18th grade students of IPS IPS 2 MA Alkhairaat Tondo. The results showed that through the Implementation of Cooperative Learning Model Think Talk Write Type can improve student learning outcomes with the acquisition of KBK 61.11% and DSK 66.11% in the first cycle, to 88.88% KBK and 77.88% DSK in the second cycle . Observation results of student activitiesthe first cycle of action I obtained 2.77% with less criteria, whereas in the first cycle of action II obtained 58.33% with sufficient criteria. The results of observing student activities in the second cycle of action I on very good criteria obtained 77.77%, while in the second cycle of action II obtained 88.88% with very good criteria. The observation results of teacher activity in the first cycle of action I obtained 50% and in the second cycle I obtained 75%. Then the results of observations of the activities of the second cycle teacher in class XI IPS 2 actions I and II are better seen from the percentage achieved between 75% to 100%. In general there is an increase in student activity and student learning outcomes in each cycle.
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran Geografi kelas XI IPS 2 MA Alkhairaat Tondo. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas. Tiap siklus terdiri dari perencanaan, pelaksanaan tindakan, observasi, dan refleksi. Subjek penelitian adalah siswa kelas XI IPS 2 MA Alkhairaat Tondo berjumlah 18 siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa melalui Implementasi Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Think Talk Write dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa dengan perolehan KBK 61,11% dan DSK 66,11% pada siklus I, menjadi 88,88% KBK dan 77,88% DSK pada siklus II. Hasil observasi aktivitas siswa siklus I tindakan I diperoleh 2,77% dengan kriteria kurang, sedangkan pada siklus I tindakan II diperoleh 58,33% dengan kriteria cukup. Hasil observasi aktivitas siswa pada siklus II tindakan I pada kriteria sangat baik diperoleh 77,77%, sedangkan pada siklus II tindakan II diperoleh 88,88% dengan kriteria sangat baik. Hasil observasi aktivitas guru pada siklus I tindakan I diperoleh 50% dan pada tindakan ke II siklus I diperoleh 75%. Kemudian pada hasil observasi aktivitas guru siklus II di kelas XI IPS 2 tindakan I dan II semakin baik dilihat dari persentase tercapai antara 75% sampai 100%. Secara umum terjadi peningkatan aktivitas siswa dan hasil belajar siswa pada setiap siklus.
Full Text:
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by Orlando Guertin (2024-10-23)
by Orlando Guertin (2024-10-23)
by Anthony Want (2024-10-24)
by Claudio Denham (2024-10-24)
by Dotty Mosman (2024-10-24)
by Aidan Willey (2024-10-24)
by Randell Zweig (2024-10-24)
by Maryann Fredericks (2024-10-24)
by Natalia Cajigas (2024-10-24)
by Kelvin Blum (2024-10-24)
by Glenn Julia (2024-10-25)
by Ashton Quinlivan (2024-10-25)
by Carroll Brandon (2024-10-25)
by Fred Guercio (2024-10-25)
by Monserrate Osterhagen (2024-10-25)
by Denise Bustard (2024-10-25)
by Anton Stradbroke (2024-10-25)
by Jenni Langton (2024-10-26)
by Jenni Langton (2024-10-26)
by Floyd Claxton (2024-10-26)
by Clarence Burch (2024-10-26)
by Keith Johnston (2024-10-26)
"Sandeep" (2024-10-26)
"Sandeep" (2024-10-26)
by Ramonita Kraker (2024-10-26)
by Adriana Lapp (2024-10-26)
by Deanne Bouton (2024-10-26)
by Patrice Reeder (2024-10-26)
by Patrice Reeder (2024-10-26)
by Patrice Reeder (2024-10-26)
by Patrice Reeder (2024-10-26)
by Patrice Reeder (2024-10-26)
by Patrice Reeder (2024-10-26)
by Patrice Reeder (2024-10-26)
by Pablo Joshua (2024-10-27)
by Williemae Wellish (2024-10-27)
by Kelli Bagwell (2024-10-27)
by Tom Porteus (2024-10-27)
by Patrice Reeder (2024-10-27)
by Christine Mellor (2024-10-27)
by Christine Mellor (2024-10-27)
by Carson Kirkhope (2024-10-27)
by Christin Arrington (2024-10-27)
by Tonya Mulkey (2024-10-27)
by Tonya Mulkey (2024-10-27)
by Christin Arrington (2024-10-27)
by Patrice Reeder (2024-10-27)
by Jere Leahy (2024-10-27)
by Carla Bustillos (2024-10-27)
by Sabrina Beam (2024-10-27)
by Kelvin Bottrill (2024-10-27)
by Ezra Tepper (2024-10-27)
by Sabrina Beam (2024-10-27)
by Mallory Bastow (2024-10-27)
by Mallory Bastow (2024-10-27)
by Nannie Stretch (2024-10-27)
by Nannie Stretch (2024-10-27)
by Leilani Fysh (2024-10-27)
by Patrice Reeder (2024-10-27)
by Patrice Reeder (2024-10-27)
by Oliver Dun (2024-10-27)
by Maryellen Viles (2024-10-27)
by Raul Pring (2024-10-27)
by Gertrude Edmunds (2024-10-27)
by Kathy Fredericks (2024-10-27)
by Chana Bertrand (2024-10-27)
by Patrice Reeder (2024-10-27)
by Aiden Womack (2024-10-27)
by Patrice Reeder (2024-10-27)
by Remona Greenwell (2024-10-27)
by Winifred Muse (2024-10-28)
by Berry Coomes (2024-10-28)
by Drew Danks (2024-10-28)
by Veronique Kinsey (2024-10-28)
by Valentin Afford (2024-10-28)
by Joellen Briggs (2024-10-28)
by Lenard Hotham (2024-10-28)
by Tesha Stockwell (2024-10-28)
by Phil Nadel (2024-10-28)
by Jamila East (2024-10-28)
by Cleta Krier (2024-10-28)
by Sabine Estell (2024-10-28)
by Brandon Andersen (2024-10-28)
by Luther Kellum (2024-10-28)
by Wilda Yocum (2024-10-28)
by Alina Burgin (2024-10-28)
by Kent Mcdaniel (2024-10-28)
by Lynell Saunders (2024-10-28)
by Kassie Delprat (2024-10-28)
by Carol Dial (2024-10-28)
by Lenard Siede (2024-10-28)
by Bart Vines (2024-10-28)
by Juli Hetherington (2024-10-28)
by Elmo McMillen (2024-10-28)
by Claude Benning (2024-10-28)
by Cecile Keegan (2024-10-28)
by Debora Theriot (2024-10-28)
by Fermin Connolly (2024-10-28)
by Franziska Crotty (2024-10-28)
by Jorg Elliot (2024-10-28)
by Milo Downs (2024-10-28)
by Craig Wickham (2024-10-28)
by Kraig Charley (2024-10-28)
by Brandy Llanas (2024-10-28)
by Daisy Williamson (2024-10-28)
by Esperanza Kirsch (2024-10-28)
by Debora Hamlett (2024-10-29)
by Elton Montez (2024-10-29)
by Maritza Horst (2024-10-29)
by Ina Roderic (2024-10-29)
by Bonita Luffman (2024-10-29)
by Moshe Greaves (2024-10-29)
by Shad Burgess (2024-10-29)
by Charity Ginder (2024-10-29)
by Patrice Reeder (2024-10-29)
by Annie Salmond (2024-10-29)
by Tarah Olney (2024-10-29)
by Robyn Connell (2024-10-29)
by Mireya Neumayer (2024-10-29)
by Gilberto Sherman (2024-10-29)
by Augusta McCoin (2024-10-29)
by Ella Edden (2024-10-30)
by Tony Stafford (2024-10-30)
by Maryjo Firkins (2024-10-30)
by Lovie Swett (2024-10-30)
by Dane Cramp (2024-10-30)
by Gonzalo Propst (2024-10-30)
by Quincy McMurtry (2024-10-30)
by Antonia Mackinolty (2024-10-30)
by Donny Monckton (2024-10-30)
by Rochelle Lytle (2024-10-30)
by Temeka Outhwaite (2024-10-30)
by Walter Granville (2024-10-30)
by Gail Theissen (2024-10-30)
by Elvira Brandt (2024-10-30)
by Dana McKinnon (2024-10-30)
by Crystle Woodard (2024-10-30)
by Crystle Woodard (2024-10-30)
by Brenna Candelaria (2024-10-30)
by Ashely Janzen (2024-10-30)
by Donny Monckton (2024-10-30)
by Brigitte Whitta (2024-10-30)
by Robt Prettyman (2024-10-30)
by Paulina Lykins (2024-10-30)
by Harris Sperling (2024-10-30)
by Gordon Treadwell (2024-10-30)
by Crystle Drost (2024-10-30)
by Isla Schrantz (2024-10-30)
by Cindi Wurfel (2024-10-30)
by Gerald Bernstein (2024-10-30)
by Tobias Hutcheon (2024-10-30)
by Trudy Southwell (2024-10-30)
by Olivia Carruthers (2024-10-30)
by Michal Spragg (2024-10-30)
by Cooper Sinclaire (2024-10-30)
by Cierra Tryon (2024-10-30)
by Lidia Pride (2024-10-30)
by Betty Pettis (2024-10-30)
by Leonore Nutter (2024-10-30)
by Renee Mackie (2024-10-30)
by Lelia Boucicault (2024-10-30)
by Tressa Hightower (2024-10-30)
by Reginald Valladares (2024-10-30)
by Kathie Yeo (2024-10-30)
by Donny Hong (2024-10-30)
by Sadye Digiovanni (2024-10-30)
by Jean Greenway (2024-10-30)
by Jayden Frith (2024-10-30)
by Caroline Copeley (2024-10-30)
by Zachary Hairston (2024-10-30)
by Bonnie Gannon (2024-10-30)
by Elmer Jansen (2024-10-30)
by Marina Funk (2024-10-30)
by Rosemary Brewton (2024-10-30)
by Jesus Benefield (2024-10-30)
by Stephanie Comstock (2024-10-30)
by Willian Hawks (2024-10-30)
by Ulrike Macdonell (2024-10-30)
by Norman Shenton (2024-10-30)
by Stephanie Comstock (2024-10-31)
by Ulrike Macdonell (2024-10-31)
by Stephanie Comstock (2024-10-31)
by Demetrius McQuiston (2024-10-31)
by Maritza Winston (2024-10-31)
by Ulrike Macdonell (2024-10-31)
by Kelvin Watts (2024-10-31)
by Stephanie Comstock (2024-10-31)
by Kelvin Watts (2024-10-31)
by Ulysses Petit (2024-10-31)
by Stephanie Comstock (2024-10-31)
by Ulrike Macdonell (2024-10-31)
by Juana Duhig (2024-10-31)
by Stephanie Comstock (2024-10-31)
by Stephanie Comstock (2024-10-31)
by Bridget Tozier (2024-10-31)
by Demetrius McQuiston (2024-10-31)
by Ulrike Macdonell (2024-10-31)
by Ivan Squire (2024-10-31)
by Stephanie Comstock (2024-10-31)
by Willian Hawks (2024-10-31)
by Maybelle Kump (2024-10-31)
by Hortense Bedggood (2024-10-31)
by Natisha Burden (2024-10-31)
by Tommy Granados (2024-10-31)
by Natisha Burden (2024-10-31)
by Ulrike Macdonell (2024-10-31)
by Natisha Burden (2024-10-31)
by Natisha Burden (2024-10-31)
by Stephanie Comstock (2024-10-31)
by Candy Cullen (2024-10-31)
by Maybelle Green (2024-10-31)
by Natisha Burden (2024-10-31)
by Ernie Whitson (2024-10-31)
by Margarette Billups (2024-10-31)
by Demetrius McQuiston (2024-10-31)
by Natisha Burden (2024-10-31)
by Stephanie Comstock (2024-10-31)
by Antonietta Manton (2024-10-31)
by Stephanie Comstock (2024-10-31)
by Candy Cullen (2024-10-31)
by Maude Kerry (2024-10-31)
by Caleb Guidi (2024-10-31)
by Demetrius McQuiston (2024-10-31)
by Natisha Burden (2024-10-31)
by Emil Miah (2024-10-31)
by Willian Hawks (2024-10-31)
by Georgiana Soria (2024-10-31)
by Kelvin Watts (2024-10-31)
by Maxine Wheen (2024-10-31)
by Ulrike Macdonell (2024-10-31)
by Candy Cullen (2024-10-31)
by Eleanore Littlejohn (2024-10-31)
by Anya Philips (2024-10-31)
by Natisha Burden (2024-10-31)
by Antonietta Manton (2024-10-31)
by Andre Lowry (2024-10-31)
by Natisha Burden (2024-10-31)
by Willian Hawks (2024-10-31)
by Antonietta Manton (2024-10-31)
by Silke Kintore (2024-10-31)
by Claribel Brauer (2024-10-31)
by Carla Muniz (2024-10-31)
by Natisha Burden (2024-10-31)
by Ulrike Macdonell (2024-10-31)
by Mohammed Heyne (2024-10-31)
by Natisha Burden (2024-10-31)
by Lesli Machado (2024-10-31)
by Willian Hawks (2024-10-31)
by Natisha Burden (2024-10-31)
by Dirk Grisham (2024-10-31)
by Carri Watkins (2024-10-31)
by Candy Cullen (2024-10-31)
by Ladonna Scotto (2024-10-31)
by Dave Jeffery (2024-10-31)
by Ulrike Macdonell (2024-10-31)
by Odette Bittner (2024-10-31)
by Marjorie Fawcett (2024-10-31)
by Willian Hawks (2024-10-31)
by Candy Cullen (2024-10-31)
by Willian Hawks (2024-10-31)
by Gabriel Pennell (2024-10-31)
by Willian Hawks (2024-10-31)
by Galen Eagar (2024-10-31)
by Everette Castle (2024-10-31)
by Demetrius McQuiston (2024-10-31)
by Candy Cullen (2024-10-31)
by Sherlene Knorr (2024-10-31)
by Natisha Burden (2024-10-31)
by Candy Cullen (2024-10-31)
by Willian Hawks (2024-10-31)
by Pearlene Hathaway (2024-10-31)
by Meridith Millen (2024-10-31)
by Ulrike Macdonell (2024-10-31)
by Natisha Burden (2024-10-31)
by Christen Nation (2024-10-31)
by Candy Cullen (2024-10-31)
by Willian Hawks (2024-10-31)
by Lois Gleeson (2024-10-31)
by Archer Trevino (2024-10-31)
by Natisha Burden (2024-10-31)
by Natisha Burden (2024-10-31)
by Natisha Burden (2024-10-31)
by Candy Cullen (2024-10-31)
by Michele Houchens (2024-10-31)
by Candy Cullen (2024-10-31)
by Booker Barrios (2024-10-31)
by Willian Hawks (2024-10-31)
by Natisha Burden (2024-10-31)
by Willian Hawks (2024-10-31)
by Willian Hawks (2024-10-31)
by Selene Dingle (2024-10-31)
by Teri Tarczynski (2024-10-31)
by Willian Hawks (2024-10-31)
by Natisha Burden (2024-10-31)
by Harriett Vanderbilt (2024-10-31)
by Ignacio Braley (2024-10-31)
by Tressa Munger (2024-10-31)
by Houston Medland (2024-10-31)
by Lucy Murnin (2024-10-31)
by Linda Cage (2024-10-31)
by Alfredo Spaull (2024-10-31)
by Antony Sorrell (2024-10-31)
by Candy Cullen (2024-10-31)
by Vida Bryant (2024-10-31)
by Willian Hawks (2024-10-31)
by Tanisha Ruth (2024-10-31)
by Fredericka Korff (2024-10-31)
by Natisha Burden (2024-10-31)
by Willian Hawks (2024-10-31)
by Dessie Harrill (2024-10-31)
by Wayne Piguenit (2024-10-31)
by Antonietta Manton (2024-10-31)
by Alisia Cramp (2024-10-31)
by Ulrike Macdonell (2024-10-31)
by Natisha Burden (2024-10-31)
by Demetrius McQuiston (2024-10-31)
by Natisha Burden (2024-10-31)
by Dieter Montenegro (2024-10-31)
by Candy Cullen (2024-10-31)
by Roberta Burgett (2024-10-31)
by Antonietta Manton (2024-10-31)
by Candy Cullen (2024-10-31)
by Kaylee Brigham (2024-10-31)
by Natisha Burden (2024-10-31)
by Caleb Guidi (2024-10-31)
by Lemuel Thirkell (2024-10-31)
by Natisha Burden (2024-10-31)
by Natisha Burden (2024-10-31)
by Crystle Repass (2024-10-31)
by Breanna Charleston (2024-10-31)
by Natisha Burden (2024-10-31)
by Willian Hawks (2024-10-31)
by Catalina Flint (2024-10-31)
by Demetrius McQuiston (2024-10-31)
by Natisha Burden (2024-10-31)
by Kendall Ericson (2024-10-31)
by Salina Bowers (2024-10-31)
by Ulrike Macdonell (2024-10-31)
by Natisha Burden (2024-10-31)
by Tanya Garsia (2024-10-31)
by Ashley Birchell (2024-10-31)
by Shalanda Mundy (2024-10-31)
by Ulrike Macdonell (2024-10-31)
by Natisha Burden (2024-10-31)
by Fidelia Wasinger (2024-10-31)
by Demetrius McQuiston (2024-10-31)
by Rosalie Post (2024-10-31)
by Antonietta Manton (2024-10-31)
by Chet Humble (2024-10-31)
by Ulrike Macdonell (2024-10-31)
by Natisha Burden (2024-10-31)
by Virgie Gambrel (2024-10-31)
by Candy Cullen (2024-10-31)
by Ulrike Macdonell (2024-10-31)
by Stacey Helmore (2024-10-31)
by Natisha Burden (2024-10-31)
by Willian Hawks (2024-10-31)
by Natisha Burden (2024-10-31)
by Jamila Kethel (2024-10-31)
by Roxie Stamey (2024-10-31)
by Natisha Burden (2024-10-31)
by Kristofer Wilton (2024-10-31)
by Ulrike Macdonell (2024-10-31)
by Jerold Kroeger (2024-10-31)
by Candy Cullen (2024-10-31)
by Julianne Hutt (2024-10-31)
by Natisha Burden (2024-10-31)
by Demetrius McQuiston (2024-10-31)
by Ivy Davies (2024-10-31)
by Willian Hawks (2024-10-31)
by Grover Gold (2024-10-31)
by Antonietta Manton (2024-10-31)
by Natisha Burden (2024-10-31)
by Olen Stratton (2024-10-31)
by Natisha Burden (2024-10-31)
by Natisha Burden (2024-10-31)
by Natisha Burden (2024-10-31)
by Selma Boelke (2024-10-31)
by Sienna Stpierre (2024-10-31)
by Ulrike Macdonell (2024-10-31)
by Shawnee Hoppe (2024-10-31)
by Logan Bueno (2024-10-31)
by Natisha Burden (2024-10-31)
by Willian Hawks (2024-10-31)
by Andre Lowry (2024-10-31)
by Nickolas Kump (2024-10-31)
by Natisha Burden (2024-10-31)
by Natisha Burden (2024-10-31)
by Johanna Towns (2024-10-31)
by Ulrike Macdonell (2024-10-31)
by Candy Cullen (2024-10-31)
by Fermin Melba (2024-10-31)
by Willian Hawks (2024-10-31)
by Chas Colbert (2024-10-31)
by Willian Hawks (2024-10-31)
by Anne Fairley (2024-10-31)
by Ulrike Macdonell (2024-10-31)
by Marla Mclain (2024-10-31)
by Ulrike Macdonell (2024-10-31)
by Torsten Heist (2024-10-31)
by Ulrike Macdonell (2024-10-31)
by Leora Morrissey (2024-10-31)
by Demetrius McQuiston (2024-10-31)
by Shawnee Dundas (2024-10-31)
by Ulrike Macdonell (2024-10-31)
by Britney Padgett (2024-10-31)
by Willian Hawks (2024-10-31)
by Janelle Baddeley (2024-10-31)
by Demetrius McQuiston (2024-10-31)
by Douglas Wagner (2024-10-31)
by Ulrike Macdonell (2024-10-31)
by Robbin Climpson (2024-10-31)
by Kelvin Watts (2024-10-31)
by Dewitt Corby (2024-10-31)
by Carmelo Lawless (2024-10-31)
by Ulrike Macdonell (2024-10-31)
by Gena McAllister (2024-10-31)
by Phillis Scotto (2024-10-31)
by Demetrius McQuiston (2024-10-31)
by Demetrius McQuiston (2024-10-31)
by Linnea Gaytan (2024-10-31)
by Isabell Collier (2024-10-31)
by Demetrius McQuiston (2024-10-31)
by Millie Gunther (2024-10-31)
by Willian Hawks (2024-10-31)
by Ulrike Macdonell (2024-10-31)
by Pam Bottoms (2024-10-31)
by Hershel Stecker (2024-10-31)
by Willian Hawks (2024-10-31)
by Ulrike Macdonell (2024-10-31)
by Hollis Kirk (2024-10-31)
by Ulrike Macdonell (2024-10-31)
by Ulrike Macdonell (2024-10-31)
by Selene McPhee (2024-10-31)
by Nannie Keith (2024-10-31)
by Ulysses Petit (2024-10-31)
by Chanda Hyder (2024-10-31)
by Willian Hawks (2024-10-31)
by Teodoro Feakes (2024-10-31)
by Ulrike Macdonell (2024-10-31)
by Ulrike Macdonell (2024-10-31)
by Sheri Justice (2024-10-31)
by Ulrike Macdonell (2024-10-31)
by Laurene Griggs (2024-10-31)
by Ulrike Macdonell (2024-10-31)
by Royce Anivitti (2024-10-31)
by Willian Hawks (2024-10-31)
by Willian Hawks (2024-10-31)
by Chastity Mortensen (2024-10-31)
by Willian Hawks (2024-10-31)
by Ulrike Macdonell (2024-10-31)
by King Pederson (2024-10-31)
by Demetrius McQuiston (2024-10-31)
by Kacey Bess (2024-10-31)
by Ulrike Macdonell (2024-10-31)
by Latrice Blundell (2024-10-31)
by Ulrike Macdonell (2024-10-31)
by Lois Bradley (2024-10-31)
by Willian Hawks (2024-10-31)
by Ulrike Macdonell (2024-10-31)
by Franklyn Cooch (2024-10-31)
by Willian Hawks (2024-10-31)
by Sung Repin (2024-10-31)
by Willian Hawks (2024-10-31)
by Glen Michel (2024-10-31)
by Ulrike Macdonell (2024-10-31)
by Mohamed Spradlin (2024-10-31)
by Willian Hawks (2024-10-31)
by Demetrius McQuiston (2024-10-31)
by Rico Arroyo (2024-10-31)
by Chandra Schulte (2024-10-31)
by Demetrius McQuiston (2024-10-31)
by Willian Hawks (2024-10-31)
by Ulrike Macdonell (2024-10-31)
by Natisha Burden (2024-10-31)
by Bonnie Jenkins (2024-10-31)
by Magaret Whisler (2024-10-31)
by Ulrike Macdonell (2024-10-31)
by Natisha Burden (2024-10-31)
by Lashay Sturgis (2024-10-31)
by Starla Harney (2024-10-31)
by Candy Cullen (2024-10-31)
by Ulrike Macdonell (2024-10-31)
by Brooke Mcelroy (2024-10-31)
by Natisha Burden (2024-10-31)
by Ulrike Macdonell (2024-10-31)
by Kraig Giles (2024-10-31)
by Danae Bocanegra (2024-10-31)
by Caleb Guidi (2024-10-31)
by Ulrike Macdonell (2024-10-31)
by Natisha Burden (2024-10-31)
by Evie Mettler (2024-10-31)
by Kelvin Watts (2024-10-31)
by Kia Gottshall (2024-10-31)
by Linnie Mickey (2024-10-31)
by Candy Cullen (2024-10-31)
by Willian Hawks (2024-10-31)
by Kelvin Watts (2024-10-31)
by Candy Cullen (2024-10-31)
by May Lindley (2024-10-31)
by Caren Beal (2024-10-31)
by Ulrike Macdonell (2024-10-31)
by Candy Cullen (2024-10-31)
by Sheree Hawker (2024-10-31)
by Myra Varner (2024-10-31)
by Ulrike Macdonell (2024-10-31)
by Sunny Knorr (2024-10-31)
by Natisha Burden (2024-10-31)
by Willian Hawks (2024-10-31)
by Ulrike Macdonell (2024-10-31)
by Natisha Burden (2024-10-31)
by Lucile Reichert (2024-10-31)
by Gennie Shetler (2024-10-31)
by Ulrike Macdonell (2024-10-31)
by Natisha Burden (2024-10-31)
by Kellie Thrash (2024-10-31)
by Ulysses Petit (2024-10-31)
by Traci Kiefer (2024-10-31)
by Rory Millen (2024-10-31)
by Sherrie Spyer (2024-10-31)
by Natisha Burden (2024-10-31)
by Candy Cullen (2024-10-31)
by Rozella Moen (2024-10-31)
by Natisha Burden (2024-10-31)
by Jessie Priestley (2024-10-31)
by Natisha Burden (2024-10-31)
by Iva Wilbanks (2024-10-31)
by Candy Cullen (2024-10-31)
by Natisha Burden (2024-10-31)
by Natisha Burden (2024-10-31)
by Elmo King (2024-10-31)
by Antonietta Manton (2024-10-31)
by Elvira Self (2024-10-31)
by Antonietta Manton (2024-10-31)
by Candy Cullen (2024-10-31)
by Natisha Burden (2024-10-31)
by Liza Hyder (2024-10-31)
by Maya Banda (2024-10-31)
by Asa Chaplin (2024-10-31)
by Niamh Guercio (2024-10-31)
by Ulrike Macdonell (2024-10-31)
by Natisha Burden (2024-10-31)
by Ashleigh Leal (2024-10-31)
by Candy Cullen (2024-10-31)
by Marissa Vardon (2024-10-31)
by Megan Hugo (2024-10-31)
by Kelvin Watts (2024-10-31)
by Natisha Burden (2024-10-31)
by Willian Hawks (2024-10-31)
by France Janney (2024-10-31)
by Natisha Burden (2024-10-31)
by Karl Butz (2024-10-31)
by Candy Cullen (2024-10-31)
by Randell Heymann (2024-10-31)
by Leonida Villalobos (2024-10-31)
by Antonietta Manton (2024-10-31)
by Natisha Burden (2024-10-31)
by Natisha Burden (2024-10-31)
by Gretta Albritton (2024-10-31)
by Anya Philips (2024-10-31)
by Ana Gilmore (2024-10-31)
by Natisha Burden (2024-10-31)
by Rosie Gammon (2024-11-01)
by Natalia Ditter (2024-11-01)
by Georgiana Quam (2024-11-01)
by Micheline Mauldon (2024-11-01)
by Hung Turner (2024-11-01)
by Freya Mattes (2024-11-01)
by Natisha Burden (2024-11-01)
by Jill Fairley (2024-11-01)
by Martha Vroland (2024-11-01)
by Antonietta Manton (2024-11-01)
by Natisha Burden (2024-11-01)
by Candy Cullen (2024-11-01)
by Buford Yuranigh (2024-11-01)
by Natisha Burden (2024-11-01)
by Natisha Burden (2024-11-01)
by Matilda Lofland (2024-11-01)
by Elke Mccune (2024-11-01)
by Hung Flierl (2024-11-01)
by Natisha Burden (2024-11-01)
by Reggie Quinonez (2024-11-01)
by Antonietta Manton (2024-11-01)
by Kristina Ledoux (2024-11-01)
by Natisha Burden (2024-11-01)
by Candy Cullen (2024-11-01)
by Natisha Burden (2024-11-01)
by Velda Nakamura (2024-11-01)
by Antonietta Manton (2024-11-01)
by Chara Callahan (2024-11-01)
by Natisha Burden (2024-11-01)
by Caleb Guidi (2024-11-01)
by Tiffani Buckner (2024-11-01)
by Natisha Burden (2024-11-01)
by Natisha Burden (2024-11-01)
by Christen Palmos (2024-11-01)
by Angie Arledge (2024-11-01)
by Cornelius Lavender (2024-11-01)
by Candy Cullen (2024-11-01)
by Natisha Burden (2024-11-01)
by Caleb Guidi (2024-11-01)
by Natisha Burden (2024-11-01)
by Charla Frazer (2024-11-01)
by Wilfred O'Shanassy (2024-11-01)
by Candy Cullen (2024-11-01)
by Ophelia Hardacre (2024-11-01)
by Natisha Burden (2024-11-01)
by Natisha Burden (2024-11-01)
by Chastity Mickle (2024-11-01)
by Natisha Burden (2024-11-01)
by Natisha Burden (2024-11-01)
by Wilda Krome (2024-11-01)
by Natisha Burden (2024-11-01)
by Graig Grunwald (2024-11-01)
by Natisha Burden (2024-11-01)
by Mitchel Castanon (2024-11-01)
by Natisha Burden (2024-11-01)
by Natisha Burden (2024-11-01)
by Brittany Detwiler (2024-11-01)
by Candy Cullen (2024-11-01)
by Charmain Gilson (2024-11-01)
by Natisha Burden (2024-11-01)
by Natisha Burden (2024-11-01)
by Kassandra Haugh (2024-11-01)
by Natisha Burden (2024-11-01)
by Veronica Balas (2024-11-01)
by Natisha Burden (2024-11-01)
by Casimira Baillieu (2024-11-01)
by Antonietta Manton (2024-11-01)
by Candy Cullen (2024-11-01)
by Jeannie Coombs (2024-11-01)
by Natisha Burden (2024-11-01)
by Candy Cullen (2024-11-01)
by Ouida Wrench (2024-11-01)
by Christi Bordelon (2024-11-01)
by Enrique Raker (2024-11-01)
by Erik Deloach (2024-11-01)
by Regan McLaughlin (2024-11-01)
by Galen Chave (2024-11-01)
by Simon Garth (2024-11-01)
by Susana Rounsevell (2024-11-01)
by Mahalia Bathurst (2024-11-01)
by Shane Treat (2024-11-01)
by Maurice Nabors (2024-11-01)
by Adrienne Whitehouse (2024-11-01)
by Joanne Belair (2024-11-01)
by Joie Mercier (2024-11-01)
by Joleen Troedel (2024-11-01)
by Leanne Lycett (2024-11-01)
by Eleanore Melba (2024-11-01)
by Karol Balson (2024-11-01)
by Rae Rivenburg (2024-11-01)
by Jolene Dane? (2024-11-01)
by Wendi Waters (2024-11-01)
by Barrett Palmquist (2024-11-01)
by Pearl Frantz (2024-11-01)
by Colleen Marshburn (2024-11-01)
by Heike Ruth (2024-11-01)
by Mona Schoonover (2024-11-01)
by Mckinley Demoss (2024-11-01)
by Sharyn Sladen (2024-11-01)
by Annabelle Darrington (2024-11-01)
by Trevor Cornish (2024-11-01)
by Anita Drury (2024-11-01)
by Belinda Shropshire (2024-11-01)
by Clifton Cormier (2024-11-01)
by Rafaela Mauro (2024-11-01)
by Manuel Madigan (2024-11-01)
by Elva Jefferis (2024-11-01)
by Jaqueline Glew (2024-11-01)
by Joy Lucia (2024-11-01)
by Anne Wortham (2024-11-01)
by Raymundo Steinberg (2024-11-01)
by Kristy Carvalho (2024-11-01)
by Monte Montero (2024-11-01)
by Mandy Ruby (2024-11-01)
by Antoine Baumgartner (2024-11-01)
by Chu Earnhardt (2024-11-01)
by Dollie Bunny (2024-11-01)
by Vickey Maum (2024-11-01)
by Jody Pinkston (2024-11-01)
by Cherie Noe (2024-11-01)
by Stefan Gilliam (2024-11-01)
by Celia Grills (2024-11-01)
by Lavonne Zylstra (2024-11-01)
by Sadye McLaren (2024-11-01)
by Kathaleen Spivey (2024-11-01)
by Phillipp Blacket (2024-11-01)
by Rosario Sison (2024-11-01)
by Brigitte Herring (2024-11-01)
by Harvey Tibbetts (2024-11-01)
by Latrice Kolios (2024-11-01)
by Arden Osgood (2024-11-01)
by Candice Schiller (2024-11-01)
by Stephanie Nielsen (2024-11-01)
by Octavio Goodrich (2024-11-01)
by Gregg Drew (2024-11-01)
by Dick Scarbrough (2024-11-01)
by Reyna Mackersey (2024-11-01)
by Antony Mendelsohn (2024-11-01)
by Joey Batchelor (2024-11-01)
by Grazyna Bostick (2024-11-01)
by Janelle Clubbe (2024-11-01)
by Heidi Burley (2024-11-01)
by Rhonda Icely (2024-11-01)
by Mamie Millen (2024-11-01)
by Julianne Alison (2024-11-01)
by Dieter Allison (2024-11-01)
by Clint Copley (2024-11-01)
by Janette MacGillivray (2024-11-01)
by Vern Rancourt (2024-11-01)
by Lazaro Vaccari (2024-11-01)
by Blair Weaver (2024-11-01)
by Sharyn O'Flaherty (2024-11-01)
by Jacklyn Villasenor (2024-11-01)
by Shayna Barta (2024-11-01)
by Francisco Lawrenson (2024-11-01)
by Katrin Farr (2024-11-01)
by Kelley Greaves (2024-11-01)
by Georgina Hornibrook (2024-11-01)
by Mahalia Ferrier (2024-11-01)
by Corina Smithies (2024-11-01)
by Antonetta Craney (2024-11-01)
by Anneliese Drennan (2024-11-01)
by Mitch Soutter (2024-11-01)
by Therese Fisher (2024-11-01)
by Maxine Prentice (2024-11-01)
by Frank Chalmers (2024-11-01)
by Enriqueta Brodney (2024-11-01)
by Clifford Lowerson (2024-11-01)
by Arron Bartos (2024-11-01)
by Sheena Willard (2024-11-01)
by Dustin Cazneaux (2024-11-01)
by Jenny Rotton (2024-11-01)
by Lino Noland (2024-11-01)
by Jami Roberson (2024-11-01)
by Charlotte Small (2024-11-01)
by Abigail Prins (2024-11-01)
by Julian Zouch (2024-11-01)
by Brent Labonte (2024-11-01)
by Caroline Cornell (2024-11-01)
by Armand Welton (2024-11-01)
by Silke Boisvert (2024-11-01)
by Latoya Hayward (2024-11-01)
by Kattie Liston (2024-11-01)
by Anneliese Milliken (2024-11-01)
by Latoya Eoff (2024-11-01)
by Kathy Penington (2024-11-01)
by Lee Benny (2024-11-01)
by Brodie Gillingham (2024-11-01)
by Lucia Atencio (2024-11-01)
by Anneliese Hepp (2024-11-01)
by Myra Fruehauf (2024-11-01)
by Alvaro Tibbetts (2024-11-01)
by Chun Leon (2024-11-01)
by Kory Presler (2024-11-01)
by Roxanna Stoneman (2024-11-01)
by Dirk Colebatch (2024-11-01)
by Jessika Matthes (2024-11-01)
by Aidan Cecilia (2024-11-01)
by Lucretia Kump (2024-11-02)
by Clarita Cheney (2024-11-02)
by Caren Agar (2024-11-02)
by Mattie Fite (2024-11-02)
by Helaine Weinstein (2024-11-02)
by Emilie Panton (2024-11-02)
by Juliann Donovan (2024-11-02)
by Myrtle Lassetter (2024-11-02)
by Preston Houlding (2024-11-02)
by Darrell Muriel (2024-11-02)
by Audra Byars (2024-11-02)
by Kara Hardesty (2024-11-02)
by Fausto Roark (2024-11-02)
by Julie Moorman (2024-11-02)
by Arnulfo Mackennal (2024-11-02)
by Patty Coughlin (2024-11-02)
by Grady Daecher (2024-11-02)
by Eusebia Cabe (2024-11-02)
by Alyssa Herrmann (2024-11-02)
by Monica Null (2024-11-03)
by Kristeen Tapia (2024-11-03)
by Claudio Denham (2024-11-03)
by Genia Wills (2024-11-03)
by Barbra Edgerton (2024-11-03)
by Perry Juergens (2024-11-03)
by Avis Cavazos (2024-11-03)
by Eugenio Kavanaugh (2024-11-03)
by Kerri Carson (2024-11-03)
by Janina Newland (2024-11-03)
by Lela Steadham (2024-11-03)
by Curt Hannan (2024-11-03)
by Cristine Escobar (2024-11-03)
by Christen Dulhunty (2024-11-03)
by Pete Brauer (2024-11-03)
by Andra Resch (2024-11-03)
by Gilberto Bushell (2024-11-03)
by Reed Howe (2024-11-03)
by Maybell Bearden (2024-11-03)
by Hayden Daplyn (2024-11-03)
by Isidra Childers (2024-11-03)
by Keira Hwang (2024-11-03)
by Bettye Salkauskas (2024-11-03)
by Ron Sancho (2024-11-03)
by Regena Lankford (2024-11-03)
by Irwin Lundgren (2024-11-03)
by Paul Santo (2024-11-03)
by Zack Hussey (2024-11-03)
by Naomi Dillard (2024-11-03)
"REP" (2024-11-04)
by Ronnie Scarberry (2024-11-04)
by Twyla Merrifield (2024-11-04)
by Teena Carron (2024-11-04)
by Elsa Seyler (2024-11-04)
by Jacelyn Worth (2024-11-04)
by Lucile Duff (2024-11-04)
by Clifford Archer (2024-11-04)
by Clay Draper (2024-11-04)
by Adeline Bernstein (2024-11-04)
by Abraham Beltran (2024-11-04)
by Keenan Guillen (2024-11-04)
by Verona Connolly (2024-11-04)
by Clarita Michalik (2024-11-04)
by Robert Humphery (2024-11-04)
by Wayne Hamlin (2024-11-04)
by Patty Perron (2024-11-04)
by Joann Ziesemer (2024-11-04)
by Callum McClemens (2024-11-04)
by Roscoe Boothby (2024-11-04)
by Elba Tolmie (2024-11-04)
by Finn Wanganeen (2024-11-04)
by Arlette Rosen (2024-11-04)
by Lorena Marchand (2024-11-04)
by Jimmy Cornelius (2024-11-04)
by Venus Grattan (2024-11-04)
by Zack Serisier (2024-11-04)
by Soon Lemmons (2024-11-04)
by Vicky McLeay (2024-11-04)
by Lenard Milliken (2024-11-04)
by Jasmine Truesdale (2024-11-04)
by Irish Boler (2024-11-04)
by Lidia Maclanachan (2024-11-04)
by Pablo Collins (2024-11-04)
by Steve Camarena (2024-11-04)
by Gale Kellum (2024-11-04)
by Serena Wylly (2024-11-04)
by Bert Gilley (2024-11-04)
by Agustin Killian (2024-11-04)
by Leonel Dubois (2024-11-04)
by Lilla Buzacott (2024-11-04)
by Sallie Bock (2024-11-04)
by Bridgett Elston (2024-11-04)
by Dolly Trent (2024-11-04)
by Erma Norton (2024-11-04)
by Celinda Braswell (2024-11-04)
by Liam Kaufman (2024-11-04)
by Reina Blacklow (2024-11-04)
by Newton Donaldson (2024-11-04)
by Selina Beauchamp (2024-11-04)
by Audry Landale (2024-11-04)
by Gregorio Elisha (2024-11-04)
by Nolan Le Hunte (2024-11-04)
by Ned Aitken (2024-11-05)
by Ngan Horseman (2024-11-05)
by Harriet Mcfadden (2024-11-05)
by Vito Hoss (2024-11-05)
by Roscoe Alngindabu (2024-11-05)
by Abbie Pittard (2024-11-05)
by Isobel Hauslaib (2024-11-05)
by Caleb Branham (2024-11-05)
by Jed Parramore (2024-11-05)
by Enid Crawley (2024-11-05)
by Bernadine Sambell (2024-11-05)
by Thaddeus Chinn (2024-11-05)
by Kimber Polley (2024-11-05)
by Charlie Burt (2024-11-05)
by Thorsten Lehner (2024-11-05)
by Jim Kater (2024-11-05)
by Raleigh Ewald (2024-11-05)
by Emilio Sayre (2024-11-05)
by Janine Poupinel (2024-11-05)
by Nam Trotter (2024-11-05)
"UNICCM" (2024-11-05)
by Eunice Yates (2024-11-05)
by Vickie Caviness (2024-11-05)
by Nydia Bonwick (2024-11-05)
by Indiana Abrams (2024-11-05)
by Charlotte Labarre (2024-11-05)
by Charissa Dedman (2024-11-05)
by Justine Agosto (2024-11-05)
by Brock Gillette (2024-11-05)
by Veronique Call (2024-11-05)
by Burton Gough (2024-11-05)
by Darci Tubb (2024-11-05)
by Larhonda Scrivener (2024-11-05)
by Leia McArthur (2024-11-05)
by Willy Minix (2024-11-05)
by Elvin Muecke (2024-11-05)
"RalphVat" (2024-11-05)
by Amy Damiani (2024-11-05)
by Lenore Gilbert (2024-11-05)
by Jade Fish (2024-11-05)
by Jim Gomes (2024-11-05)
by Eve Fetty (2024-11-05)
by Darrell Gabriele (2024-11-05)
by Cristina Mooring (2024-11-05)
by Wade Blundell (2024-11-06)
by Florian Mcqueen (2024-11-06)
by Audra Hyder (2024-11-06)
by Jake Fitchett (2024-11-06)
by Lemuel Corner (2024-11-06)
by Penny Duras (2024-11-06)
by Jim Kater (2024-11-06)
by Anton Thiele (2024-11-06)
by Danilo McLaren (2024-11-06)
by Priscilla Cardella (2024-11-06)
by Therese Geary (2024-11-06)
by Gretchen Mcneely (2024-11-06)
by Kandi Marino (2024-11-06)
by Otilia Toft (2024-11-06)
by Saul Mcvay (2024-11-06)
by Gabriella Fredricksen (2024-11-06)
by Sang Rayner (2024-11-06)
by Iola Slack (2024-11-06)
by Jimmy Liddell (2024-11-06)
by Calvin Angela (2024-11-06)
by Jim Kater (2024-11-06)
by Jamila Throssell (2024-11-06)
by Candace Mahomet (2024-11-06)
by Latashia Garvan (2024-11-06)
by Monte Koonce (2024-11-06)
by Wesley De Maistre (2024-11-06)
by Elisabeth Cranswick (2024-11-06)
by Marjorie Talbott (2024-11-06)
by Therese Seaborn (2024-11-06)
by Denise Bustard (2024-11-06)
by Lonna Griswold (2024-11-06)
by Laurel Mattox (2024-11-06)
by Phillis Prada (2024-11-06)
by Nannie Fong (2024-11-06)
by Emanuel Monaco (2024-11-06)
by Alejandrina Southern (2024-11-06)
by Charley Couch (2024-11-06)
by Herman Shanahan (2024-11-06)
by Rosie Kirkby (2024-11-06)
by Bette Atchley (2024-11-06)
by Jerri Salkauskas (2024-11-06)
by Vanessa Brickhouse (2024-11-06)
by Dusty Lander (2024-11-06)
by Darell Cape (2024-11-06)
by Tayla Newbold (2024-11-06)
by Ruth Killian (2024-11-06)
by Etsuko Hillier (2024-11-06)
by Lila Mahony (2024-11-06)
by Sheena Grayson (2024-11-07)
by Evie Fincher (2024-11-07)
by Steve Cline (2024-11-07)
by Darin Marrufo (2024-11-07)
by Roseanna Vancouver (2024-11-07)
by Dewayne Vansickle (2024-11-07)
by Klaus Critchfield (2024-11-07)
by Teddy Tibbs (2024-11-07)
by Alecia Sexton (2024-11-07)
by Cassie Lonergan (2024-11-07)
by Marcelo Hardee (2024-11-07)
by Newton Kuefer (2024-11-07)
by Veronique Smothers (2024-11-07)
by Terrance Coffee (2024-11-07)
by Refugio Eusebio (2024-11-07)
by Vince Arsenault (2024-11-07)
by Calvin Hockensmith (2024-11-07)
by Tresa Sodeman (2024-11-07)
by Ludie McCollister (2024-11-07)
by Krystal Basham (2024-11-07)
by Michal Forth (2024-11-07)
by Lee Arispe (2024-11-07)
by Eloy Shedden (2024-11-07)
by Amee Samson (2024-11-07)
by Vanessa Beeman (2024-11-07)
by Lasonya McMillan (2024-11-07)
by Stepanie Westmoreland (2024-11-07)
by Raul Kee (2024-11-07)
by Kristofer Mallard (2024-11-07)
by Katrice Hely (2024-11-07)
"UNICCM" (2024-11-07)
"UNICCM" (2024-11-07)
"UNICCM" (2024-11-07)
by Luann Earnshaw (2024-11-07)
by Jann Arce (2024-11-07)
by Wilhemina Duncombe (2024-11-07)
by Beau Bath (2024-11-07)
by Susan Shumway (2024-11-07)
by Teri Levey (2024-11-07)
by Art Michaud (2024-11-07)
by Lisette Sheehan (2024-11-07)
by Toby Hough (2024-11-07)
by Clinton Bollinger (2024-11-07)
by Kristi Gallop (2024-11-07)
by Berniece Courtney (2024-11-07)
by Dorothy Christiansen (2024-11-07)
by Marilyn Honner (2024-11-07)
by Joel Lepage (2024-11-08)
by Gertrude Withrow (2024-11-08)
by Jim Kater (2024-11-08)
by Billy McBride (2024-11-08)
by Galen Scarbrough (2024-11-08)
by Casey Dollery (2024-11-08)
by Kian Concepcion (2024-11-08)
by Dennis Bejah (2024-11-08)
by Catherine Wozniak (2024-11-08)
by Viola Mckinney (2024-11-08)
by Lakeisha Vassallo (2024-11-08)
by Akilah Marmon (2024-11-08)
by Francesca Demaria (2024-11-08)
by Edgar Chave (2024-11-08)
by Dieter Venning (2024-11-08)
by Dario Savage (2024-11-08)
by Deborah Herrera (2024-11-08)
by Doyle Watson (2024-11-08)
by Hilario Dudgeon (2024-11-08)
by Sherita Hunger (2024-11-08)
by Hunter Persse (2024-11-08)
by Leona Seal (2024-11-08)
by Jamal Garay (2024-11-08)
by Jim Kater (2024-11-08)
by Trudi Gerow (2024-11-08)
by Julie Sauer (2024-11-08)
by Alisia Whipple (2024-11-08)
by Shane Breedlove (2024-11-08)
by Rodrick Dorris (2024-11-08)
by Christa Bodenwieser (2024-11-08)
by Vada Shepherdson (2024-11-08)
by Angeline Shackelford (2024-11-08)
by Roxanna Midgette (2024-11-08)
by Jarred Goodrich (2024-11-08)
by Hassan Ovens (2024-11-08)
by Terrell Purdy (2024-11-08)
by Milagro Bond (2024-11-08)
by Danny Stevenson (2024-11-08)
by Eva Hsu (2024-11-08)
by Scarlett Marshall (2024-11-08)
by Denise Bustard (2024-11-08)
by Joel Southwick (2024-11-08)
by Harrison Colunga (2024-11-08)
by Leoma Hirth (2024-11-08)
by Dina Jessup (2024-11-08)
by Angelika Eddy (2024-11-08)
by Patty Mendoza (2024-11-08)
by Emelia Rous (2024-11-08)
by Evie Centeno (2024-11-08)
by Greg Du Faur (2024-11-08)
by Tawanna Kirkwood (2024-11-08)
by Larue Griver (2024-11-08)
by Rosaura Duerr (2024-11-08)
by Gordon Janousek (2024-11-08)
by Katia Hogben (2024-11-08)
by Essie Therry (2024-11-09)
by Hermine Torrez (2024-11-09)
by Benito Fielding (2024-11-09)
by Shelly Parham (2024-11-09)
by Lindsey Nuyts (2024-11-09)
by Rigoberto Froggatt (2024-11-09)
by Harry Dunshea (2024-11-09)
by Denise Nowakowski (2024-11-09)
by Lina Toro (2024-11-09)
by Edythe Lemke (2024-11-09)
by Leonard Ahern (2024-11-09)
by Pearl Ohman (2024-11-09)
by Kelle Hefner (2024-11-09)
by Hans Haney (2024-11-09)
by Kaylee Tejada (2024-11-09)
by Susannah Cho (2024-11-09)
by Katrin Brumfield (2024-11-09)
by Harlan Tovar (2024-11-09)
by Jame Brifman (2024-11-09)
by Quinn Lai (2024-11-09)
by Silke Overstreet (2024-11-09)
by Kim Taubman (2024-11-09)
by Wally Elsey (2024-11-09)
by Hildred Knudson (2024-11-09)
by Harriett Shuster (2024-11-09)
by Delilah Driscoll (2024-11-09)
by Rosaria Ramirez (2024-11-09)
by Otilia Callanan (2024-11-09)
by Ali Westfall (2024-11-09)
by Mark Kitchen (2024-11-09)
by Eddy McMurtry (2024-11-09)
by Jannie Newkirk (2024-11-09)
by Kellie Mullaly (2024-11-09)
by Chu Stable (2024-11-09)
by Lorraine Villareal (2024-11-09)
by Bernadette Bernhardt (2024-11-09)
by Jim Kater (2024-11-09)
by Nydia Feng (2024-11-09)
by Charles McQuade (2024-11-09)
"wagiogleseast" (2024-11-09)
by Cecil Pascal (2024-11-09)
by Juan Hone (2024-11-09)
by Dean Crisp (2024-11-09)
by Claudia Elliot (2024-11-09)
by Howard Kahl (2024-11-09)
by Leatha Mullen (2024-11-09)
by Arnoldo Sommers (2024-11-09)
by Rod Iliff (2024-11-09)
by Laura Pidgeon (2024-11-09)
by Lilliana Simpkinson (2024-11-09)
by Vern Rivera (2024-11-09)
by Sandy Zachary (2024-11-10)
by Preston Wenzel (2024-11-10)
by Arielle Stockton (2024-11-10)
by Zita Binette (2024-11-10)
by Angela Bowe (2024-11-10)
by Veronique Kinsey (2024-11-10)
by Nancy Breeden (2024-11-10)
by Shane Clogstoun (2024-11-10)
by Doug Brandt (2024-11-10)
by Tandy Bonds (2024-11-10)
by Gabriella Chavez (2024-11-10)
by Alina Gabbard (2024-11-10)
by Veronique Wardell (2024-11-10)
by Cecile Manning (2024-11-10)
by Adolfo Geer (2024-11-10)
by Jorg Radecki (2024-11-10)
by Ernest Flinders (2024-11-10)
by Riley Rosas (2024-11-10)
by Sebastian Root (2024-11-10)
by Mohamed Calderone (2024-11-10)
by Joellen Waite (2024-11-10)
by Latashia Darbyshire (2024-11-10)
by Lilla Mccracken (2024-11-10)
by Kandy McMahon (2024-11-10)
by Randolph Primrose (2024-11-10)
by Rosemarie Krause (2024-11-10)
by Carey McCauley (2024-11-10)
by Antwan Mitford (2024-11-10)
by Wallace Shakespeare (2024-11-10)
by Hamish Davitt (2024-11-10)
by Burton Pena (2024-11-10)
by Ashely Link (2024-11-10)
by Tracy Laffer (2024-11-10)
by Bea Hollis (2024-11-10)
by Marcia Jersey (2024-11-10)
by Emma Dreher (2024-11-10)
by Clinton Allsop (2024-11-10)
by Jed Coppola (2024-11-10)
by Derrick Edge (2024-11-10)
by Sabina Muecke (2024-11-11)
by Rich Skinner (2024-11-11)
by Luisa Bosley (2024-11-11)
by Leonore Haight (2024-11-11)
by Harlan Dennison (2024-11-11)
by Gertrude Towle (2024-11-11)
by Tricia Spina (2024-11-11)
by Debra Well (2024-11-11)
by Christen Gendron (2024-11-11)
by Zita Opas (2024-11-11)
by Fredericka Stolp (2024-11-11)
by Paulette Rankine (2024-11-11)
by Jermaine Kingsley (2024-11-11)
by Buddy Pamphlett (2024-11-11)
by Patricia Nussbaum (2024-11-11)
by Edgardo Mccurdy (2024-11-11)
by Pedro Petit (2024-11-11)
by Eve Bevins (2024-11-11)
by Ahmed Seabrook (2024-11-11)
by Dusty Westfall (2024-11-11)
by Chloe Cooksey (2024-11-11)
by Felisha Gillum (2024-11-11)
by Shantell Streeten (2024-11-11)
by Raphael Truitt (2024-11-11)
by Vivian Luevano (2024-11-11)
by Brodie Dugan (2024-11-11)
by Ignacio Legg (2024-11-11)
by Shawnee Boser (2024-11-11)
by Nadine McDonagh (2024-11-11)
by Hilton Warnes (2024-11-11)
by Dallas Landale (2024-11-11)
by Alphonso Whitely (2024-11-11)
by Raymon Fallis (2024-11-11)
by Fawn Trollope (2024-11-11)
by Vicky Fredricksen (2024-11-11)
by Pamala McMillen (2024-11-11)
by Shauna Adkins (2024-11-11)
by Chana Davidson (2024-11-11)
by Marlon Mallory (2024-11-11)
by Rosalinda London (2024-11-11)
by Janna Bingle (2024-11-11)
by Madelaine Tilton (2024-11-11)
by Ernestine Thornton (2024-11-11)
by Lorie Luse (2024-11-11)
by Bruce Schlapp (2024-11-11)
by Magdalena Murnin (2024-11-11)
by Shawnee Boser (2024-11-11)
by Jerome Hollingsworth (2024-11-11)
by Sherita Chanter (2024-11-11)
by Cecelia Copeland (2024-11-11)
by Tamara Alcorn (2024-11-11)
by Shirley Wooden (2024-11-11)
by Brodie Dugan (2024-11-11)
by Janell Unaipon (2024-11-11)
by Lidia Perron (2024-11-11)
by Robert Rickman (2024-11-11)
by India Manzi (2024-11-11)
by Albertina Donley (2024-11-11)
by Callum McWilliams (2024-11-11)
by Sylvester Tindall (2024-11-11)
by Doretha Collins (2024-11-11)
by Ignacio Legg (2024-11-11)
by Brittney Funk (2024-11-11)
by Chiquita Livingston (2024-11-11)
by Ruth Tice (2024-11-11)
by Shenna Bunnell (2024-11-11)
by Micheline Leff (2024-11-11)
by Swen Middleton (2024-11-11)
by Elba Tomczak (2024-11-11)
by Miriam McCaughey (2024-11-11)
by Brodie Dugan (2024-11-11)
by Ignacio Legg (2024-11-11)
by Shawnee Boser (2024-11-11)
by Estela Dial (2024-11-11)
by Maik Booth (2024-11-11)
by Aracelis Comstock (2024-11-11)
by Ward Dobson (2024-11-11)
by Kathryn Rich (2024-11-11)
by Cathryn Lara (2024-11-11)
by Thalia Lyne (2024-11-11)
by Brodie Dugan (2024-11-11)
by Jasper Vesely (2024-11-11)
by Ignacio Legg (2024-11-11)
by Brodie Dugan (2024-11-11)
by Valentin Frawley (2024-11-11)
by Hayden Balog (2024-11-11)
by Kristopher Schubert (2024-11-11)
by Eldon Wilkin (2024-11-11)
by Winfred Strope (2024-11-11)
by Tommy Vera (2024-11-11)
by Marcy Presler (2024-11-11)
by Lori Cribb (2024-11-11)
by Ariel Comino (2024-11-11)
by Kathlene Rhein (2024-11-11)
by Lauren Merrell (2024-11-11)
by Shawnee Boser (2024-11-11)
by Merlin Moniz (2024-11-11)
by Miguel Saranealis (2024-11-12)
by Inez Aitken (2024-11-12)
by Curtis Mullens (2024-11-12)
by Shawnee Boser (2024-11-12)
by Delmar Scollen (2024-11-12)
by Ellen Oldham (2024-11-12)
by Earnest Gilmore (2024-11-12)
by Ryder Hannell (2024-11-12)
by Zoe Townson (2024-11-12)
by Ignacio Legg (2024-11-12)
by Cecil Garey (2024-11-12)
by Tessa Fitzgibbons (2024-11-12)
by Valencia Roy (2024-11-12)
by Jerome Hollingsworth (2024-11-12)
by Albertina Binford (2024-11-12)
by Jerome Hollingsworth (2024-11-12)
by Dominik Manuel (2024-11-12)
by Eddy Ruddell (2024-11-12)
by Lena Whinham (2024-11-12)
by Modesto Du Cane (2024-11-12)
by Silke Fiorini (2024-11-12)
by Brenna Pendergrass (2024-11-12)
by Jerome Hollingsworth (2024-11-12)
by Marcelo Dealba (2024-11-12)
by Jerome Hollingsworth (2024-11-12)
by Emanuel Kentish (2024-11-12)
by Kenny Pocock (2024-11-12)
by Jonna Willilams (2024-11-12)
by Yasmin Overton (2024-11-12)
by Aracelis Comstock (2024-11-12)
by Chelsea Fishman (2024-11-12)
by Riley Dehart (2024-11-12)
by Starla Asbury (2024-11-12)
by Gaston Bickersteth (2024-11-12)
by Harriett Prettyman (2024-11-12)
by Mohamed Lehman (2024-11-12)
by Nathaniel Saiz (2024-11-12)
by Dorris Herrington (2024-11-12)
by Wilfred Paspalis (2024-11-12)
by Britt Brenan (2024-11-12)
by Kennith Slagle (2024-11-12)
by Rafael Sells (2024-11-12)
by Stephan Beich (2024-11-12)
by Aracelis Comstock (2024-11-12)
by Angelica Michalski (2024-11-12)
by King Isom (2024-11-12)
by Aracelis Comstock (2024-11-12)
by Mauricio Jordon (2024-11-12)
by Pilar Bembry (2024-11-12)
by Luann Earnshaw (2024-11-12)
by Manuela Frisina (2024-11-12)
by Lazaro Masterson (2024-11-12)
by Muriel Fairbanks (2024-11-12)
by Jaclyn Franke (2024-11-12)
by Kathy Rinaldi (2024-11-12)
by Aracelis Comstock (2024-11-12)
by Reta Embley (2024-11-12)
by Warner Craven (2024-11-12)
by Aracelis Comstock (2024-11-12)
by Greg Sheppard (2024-11-12)
by Bernadette Mattner (2024-11-12)
by Brock Lassiter (2024-11-12)
by Carin Roybal (2024-11-13)
"hubceas" (2024-11-13)
by Katlyn Lantz (2024-11-13)
by Deon Luna (2024-11-13)
by Janet Eisenhower (2024-11-13)
by Burton Goulet (2024-11-13)
by Carla Lucier (2024-11-13)
by Lizzie Bergeron (2024-11-13)
by Christel Amey (2024-11-13)
by Jackie Crowther (2024-11-13)
by Davida Rubinstein (2024-11-13)
by Chante Zercho (2024-11-13)
by Jimmy Blunt (2024-11-13)
by Terrell Mickens (2024-11-13)
by Cathern Fitzsimons (2024-11-13)
by Marina Pendley (2024-11-13)
by Marilyn Hindmarsh (2024-11-13)
by Clark Bacote (2024-11-13)
by Reta Embley (2024-11-13)
by Jaclyn Franke (2024-11-13)
by Sally Miele (2024-11-13)
by Emil Pitts (2024-11-13)
by Danae Sibley (2024-11-13)
by Nathan Ferro (2024-11-13)
by Landon Orton (2024-11-13)
by Anibal Gormanston (2024-11-13)
by Ralph Ann (2024-11-13)
by Reta Embley (2024-11-14)
by Reta Ruse (2024-11-14)
by Kristal Harpur (2024-11-14)
by Reta Embley (2024-11-14)
by Pablo Cairnduff (2024-11-14)
by Leora Sumsuma (2024-11-14)
by Lorna Lanier (2024-11-14)
by Alfonzo Tuck (2024-11-14)
by Penny Buchholz (2024-11-14)
by Bridgette Lukin (2024-11-14)
by Darren Bayles (2024-11-14)
by Morgan Butz (2024-11-14)
by Willa Cobb (2024-11-14)
by Sienna Robeson (2024-11-14)
by Joni Agaundo (2024-11-14)
by Tomas Cottle (2024-11-14)
by Trista Mortimer (2024-11-14)
by Maybell Robinson (2024-11-14)
by Gustavo Tobias (2024-11-14)
by Boyce Baltzell (2024-11-14)
by Jolene McLellan (2024-11-14)
by Heriberto Hentze (2024-11-14)
by Concepcion Duterrau (2024-11-14)
by Tomoko Genders (2024-11-14)
by Kassandra Kaufman (2024-11-14)
by Reta Embley (2024-11-14)
by Fredric Henry (2024-11-14)
by Cecil Hidalgo (2024-11-14)
by Autumn McCubbin (2024-11-14)
by Brook Collingridge de Tourcey (2024-11-14)
by Kiara Bower (2024-11-14)
by Jaclyn Franke (2024-11-14)
by Gertrude Arledge (2024-11-14)
by Haley Schoenheimer (2024-11-14)
by Cary Willcock (2024-11-14)
by Jaclyn Franke (2024-11-14)
by Addie Thorpe (2024-11-14)
by Jaclyn Franke (2024-11-14)
by Willy McGaw (2024-11-14)
by Warren Winstead (2024-11-15)
by Nicki Kavel (2024-11-15)
"CornellScato" (2024-11-15)
by Lou Lockington (2024-11-15)
by Erick Mahomet (2024-11-15)
by Dominique Manzer (2024-11-15)
by Bailey Lawes (2024-11-15)
by Guy Osullivan (2024-11-15)
by Bernd Dykes (2024-11-15)
by Jackson Girardin (2024-11-15)
by Skye Martin (2024-11-15)
by Klara Tomlin (2024-11-15)
by Erick Mahomet (2024-11-15)
by Erick Mahomet (2024-11-15)
by Susanna Stark (2024-11-15)
by Erick Mahomet (2024-11-15)
by Berniece Sauer (2024-11-15)
by Paige Bernhardt (2024-11-15)
by Monika Gepp (2024-11-15)
by Bud Clayton (2024-11-15)
by Zachery Boulger (2024-11-15)
by Alysa Calloway (2024-11-15)
by Erick Mahomet (2024-11-15)
by Dollie Rhoades (2024-11-15)
by Earl McAdam (2024-11-15)
by Kelli Draper (2024-11-15)
by Emmanuel Sides (2024-11-15)
by Roberta Outhwaite (2024-11-15)
by Courtney Baum (2024-11-15)
by Lance Ironside (2024-11-15)
by Randall Frantz (2024-11-15)
by Melinda Odom (2024-11-15)
by Don Flinn (2024-11-15)
by Ingrid Strauss (2024-11-15)
by Sunny Serena (2024-11-15)
by Emmanuel Sides (2024-11-16)
by Orville Lovett (2024-11-16)
by Nelly Firkins (2024-11-16)
by Lesli Holloway (2024-11-16)
by Jarrod Kirby (2024-11-16)
by Roy Linton (2024-11-16)
by Jacelyn Swart (2024-11-16)
by Shawna Cheung (2024-11-16)
by Kiara Vega (2024-11-16)
by Emmanuel Sides (2024-11-16)
by John Mckenna (2024-11-16)
by Angeline Dunlea (2024-11-16)
by Audra Reeve (2024-11-16)
by Emmanuel Sides (2024-11-16)
by Dexter Bozeman (2024-11-16)
by Florentina Fiore (2024-11-16)
by Lincoln Solly (2024-11-16)
by Candra Poulin (2024-11-16)
by Emmanuel Sides (2024-11-16)
by Rhys Roland (2024-11-16)
by Melody Colunga (2024-11-16)
by Fallon Moniz (2024-11-16)
by Aretha Tindall (2024-11-16)
by Nichole Huber (2024-11-16)
by Celinda Guerin (2024-11-16)
by Kristan Kelson (2024-11-16)
by Chadwick Gregorio (2024-11-16)
by Renaldo Kantor (2024-11-16)
by Shellie Mauro (2024-11-16)
by Stephany Fletcher (2024-11-16)
by Ahmed Rhein (2024-11-16)
by Refugio Weiser (2024-11-16)
by Morris Milliman (2024-11-16)
by Carson Eubank (2024-11-16)
by John Mckenna (2024-11-16)
by Yong Booker (2024-11-17)
by Hollie Klass (2024-11-17)
by Tanesha Thurber (2024-11-17)
by Gilberto Silcock (2024-11-17)
by Laurinda Monti (2024-11-17)
by John Mckenna (2024-11-17)
by Wilma Fielder (2024-11-17)
by Lashunda Patten (2024-11-17)
by Elma Grunwald (2024-11-17)
by Brain Minter (2024-11-17)
by Sal Posey (2024-11-17)
by John Mckenna (2024-11-17)
by Zulma Rivero (2024-11-17)
by Kandis Hinder (2024-11-17)
by Javier Sanches (2024-11-17)
by John Mckenna (2024-11-17)
by Rodrick Barr (2024-11-17)
by Shaun Tam (2024-11-17)
by Andy Desrochers (2024-11-17)
by Essie Bermudez (2024-11-17)
by Florene Criswell (2024-11-17)
"wagiogleseast" (2024-11-17)
by Werner Soubeiran (2024-11-17)
by Alberto Capasso (2024-11-17)
by Geri Shaw (2024-11-17)
by Lyndon Francis (2024-11-17)
by Abbie Hiatt (2024-11-17)
by Nathaniel Sage (2024-11-17)
by Jenna Dollery (2024-11-17)
by Harvey Steinberger (2024-11-17)
by Kaylene Macartney (2024-11-17)
by Ewan Wellman (2024-11-17)
by Anita Rash (2024-11-17)
by Erick Marin (2024-11-17)
by Raul Severance (2024-11-17)
by Antonietta Follmer (2024-11-18)
by Judson Carmack (2024-11-18)
by Candace Kilgour (2024-11-18)
by Humberto Higginbotham (2024-11-18)
by Lloyd Scarf (2024-11-18)
by Sonia Cervantes (2024-11-18)
by Adriene Paz (2024-11-18)
by Elvis Collits (2024-11-18)
by Blanche Deatherage (2024-11-18)
by Chester Zachary (2024-11-18)
by Mammie Michels (2024-11-18)
by Lorri Albino (2024-11-18)
by Cassie Delagarza (2024-11-18)
by Ngan Spivakovsky (2024-11-18)
by Vernita Armer (2024-11-18)
by Katja Cherry (2024-11-18)
by Forest Flores (2024-11-18)
by Vince Glaser (2024-11-18)
by Cara Chau (2024-11-18)
by Lanora Peters (2024-11-18)
by Margene Roussel (2024-11-18)
by Christian Gutman (2024-11-18)
by Roberto Nye (2024-11-18)
by Margaret Simonson (2024-11-18)
by Matthew Fairbanks (2024-11-18)
by Hildred Guthrie (2024-11-18)
by Sofia Huot (2024-11-18)
by Garfield Walpole (2024-11-18)
by Hattie Snell (2024-11-18)
by Dorothea Poulson (2024-11-18)
by Gladis Bohr (2024-11-18)
by Randal Dechaineux (2024-11-18)
by Kieran Brummitt (2024-11-18)
by Gregorio Caudill (2024-11-18)
by Theo Wragge (2024-11-18)
by Beau Sharman (2024-11-18)
by Winnie Crookes (2024-11-18)
by Bernadette Fite (2024-11-18)
by Harriet Lindsley (2024-11-18)
by Maximo Hundley (2024-11-18)
by Jesenia Michels (2024-11-18)
by Forest Tolmer (2024-11-18)
by Martina Tierney (2024-11-18)
by Walter Krieger (2024-11-18)
by Ricky Fishbourne (2024-11-18)
by Allen Fysh (2024-11-18)
by Matt Ragan (2024-11-18)
by Karl Glynn (2024-11-18)
by Bea Shepherdson (2024-11-18)
by Sherman Lance (2024-11-18)
by Irish Kohn (2024-11-19)
by Zachery Robins (2024-11-19)
by Aracely Wollstonecraft (2024-11-19)
by Tam Michel (2024-11-19)
by Tim Ferrier (2024-11-19)
by Gretta Ness (2024-11-19)
by Gavin De Maistre (2024-11-19)
by Alex Covey (2024-11-19)
by Julia Rotton (2024-11-19)
by Berenice Newell (2024-11-19)
by Stepanie Grimstone (2024-11-19)
by Arianne Hower (2024-11-19)
by Jannie Seal (2024-11-19)
by Leta Satterwhite (2024-11-19)
by Rolland Penny (2024-11-19)
by Maxine Love (2024-11-19)
by Kyle Fawkner (2024-11-19)
by Simone Goodenough (2024-11-19)
by Delphia Williamson (2024-11-19)
by Adele Crawley (2024-11-19)
by Wendi Diehl (2024-11-19)
by Erin Stephenson (2024-11-19)
by Tessa Loggins (2024-11-19)
by Kaylee Nunley (2024-11-19)
by Leia Portus (2024-11-19)
by Adelaida Bidmead (2024-11-19)
by Scott Darbonne (2024-11-19)
by Johnny Threlkeld (2024-11-19)
by Iola Ritchard (2024-11-19)
by Natalie Malloy (2024-11-19)
by Lucio Riordan (2024-11-19)
by Tim Riddick (2024-11-19)
by Nelson Waterhouse (2024-11-19)
by Shawna Grishin (2024-11-19)
by Sasha Mcclanahan (2024-11-19)
by Misty Huot (2024-11-19)
by Kandy Remley (2024-11-19)
by Leona Kingsford (2024-11-19)
by Sibyl Bachmeier (2024-11-19)
by Allen Aston (2024-11-19)
by Marc Brookins (2024-11-19)
by Deb Abrams (2024-11-19)
by Daniella Condon (2024-11-19)
by Katharina Mathes (2024-11-19)
by Claudette Shockley (2024-11-19)
by Everette Yencken (2024-11-19)
by Gus Pickens (2024-11-19)
by Madie Tramel (2024-11-19)
by Christi McCorkindale (2024-11-19)
by Tahlia Bello (2024-11-19)
by Arletha Huang (2024-11-19)
by Earnestine Lamington (2024-11-19)
by Concetta Heckel (2024-11-19)
by Kathryn Lockie (2024-11-19)
by Chelsea Vanatta (2024-11-19)
by Randall Foutch (2024-11-19)
by Senaida Reiss (2024-11-19)
by Merlin Heagney (2024-11-19)
by Janna Lashley (2024-11-20)
by Esperanza Dedman (2024-11-20)
by Maisie Emanuel (2024-11-20)
by Lemuel Gibson (2024-11-20)
by Arden Scurry (2024-11-20)
by Gilda Orta (2024-11-20)
by Mavis Newcomb (2024-11-20)
by Angie Emery (2024-11-20)
by Romaine Dougherty (2024-11-20)
by Brady Spragg (2024-11-20)
by Jeannette Leavitt (2024-11-20)
by Pamela Roden (2024-11-20)
by Zora Montalvo (2024-11-20)
by Kristen Amerson (2024-11-20)
by Louisa Lankford (2024-11-20)
by Julius Delany (2024-11-20)
by Quincy Graf (2024-11-20)
by Tomas Havelock (2024-11-20)
by Howard Delong (2024-11-20)
by Jeffry Teague (2024-11-20)
by Sharron Gutierrez (2024-11-20)
by Rosaria Crume (2024-11-20)
by Velda Wine (2024-11-20)
by Candice Hotham (2024-11-20)
by Vilma Clymer (2024-11-20)
by Audrey Tenorio (2024-11-20)
by Charles Skillen (2024-11-20)
by Indiana Wentcher (2024-11-20)
by Clyde Lavigne (2024-11-20)
by Palma Harricks (2024-11-20)
by Amado Clore (2024-11-20)
by Christy Canterbury (2024-11-20)
by Katrin Hersh (2024-11-20)
by Alberto Guidi (2024-11-20)
by Winona Kroeger (2024-11-20)
by Jonelle Applegate (2024-11-20)
by Earnest Rude (2024-11-20)
by Connor Maness (2024-11-20)
by Dorthy Ramirez (2024-11-20)
by Oma Donohoe (2024-11-20)
by Kandis Thigpen (2024-11-20)
by Anja Barrera (2024-11-20)
by Davis Favela (2024-11-20)
by Ngan Colebatch (2024-11-20)
by Delia Langer (2024-11-20)
by Lanora Murtagh (2024-11-20)
by Maritza Baldwin (2024-11-20)
by Donette Wannemaker (2024-11-20)
by Rosemarie Basham (2024-11-20)
"NathanDiere" (2024-11-20)
by Sophia Pratten (2024-11-20)
by Elmo Neff (2024-11-20)
by Lynwood Macqueen (2024-11-20)
by Dustin Narelle (2024-11-21)
by Toby Dorn (2024-11-21)
by Denisha Tozer (2024-11-21)
by Jurgen Octoman (2024-11-21)
by Fern Renwick (2024-11-21)
by Trena Collazo (2024-11-21)
by Cynthia Williford (2024-11-21)
by Eddy Hickman (2024-11-21)
by Santo Brunton (2024-11-21)
by Ewan O'Grady (2024-11-21)
by Tania Gullett (2024-11-21)
by Alyce Morehouse (2024-11-21)
by Alberto Lawhorn (2024-11-21)
by Marcia Dempsey (2024-11-21)
by Marc Torpy (2024-11-21)
by Sheree Flannagan (2024-11-21)
by Jerome Mabe (2024-11-21)
by Jonnie Anderson (2024-11-21)
by Phillis Bible (2024-11-21)
by Zella Jessup (2024-11-21)
by Selena Alfred (2024-11-21)
by Betty Durant (2024-11-21)
by Van Town (2024-11-21)
by Van Town (2024-11-21)
by Piper Matters (2024-11-21)
by Isidra Sachse (2024-11-21)
by Shelby Spaulding (2024-11-21)
by Kristina Esson (2024-11-21)
by Syreeta Savery (2024-11-21)
by Jasmine Mcgough (2024-11-21)
by Russell Corner (2024-11-21)
by Eula Blesing (2024-11-21)
by Florence Stuber (2024-11-21)
by Julieta Poindexter (2024-11-21)
by Alphonse Poland (2024-11-21)
by Lilia Leverette (2024-11-21)
by Raymon Shrader (2024-11-21)
by Koby Amato (2024-11-21)
by Joesph Nina (2024-11-21)
by Clarissa Mealmaker (2024-11-21)
by Brandon Keaton (2024-11-21)
by Tonja Shumaker (2024-11-21)
by Dominic Montoya (2024-11-21)
by Eusebia Dennys (2024-11-21)
by Rosella Blackman (2024-11-21)
by Parthenia Longshore (2024-11-21)
by Anglea FitzGibbon (2024-11-21)
by Kimberley Etheridge (2024-11-21)
by Agnes Clymer (2024-11-21)
by Emanuel Bunch (2024-11-21)
by Jessie Jessop (2024-11-21)
by Jannie Palumbo (2024-11-21)
by Sammie Darcy (2024-11-21)
by Marty McEvoy (2024-11-21)
by Valorie Sacco (2024-11-21)
by Rory Delatte (2024-11-21)
by Latashia Lindsay (2024-11-21)
by Jeannette Bingaman (2024-11-21)
by Randal Bocanegra (2024-11-21)
by Jaimie Estell (2024-11-21)
by Percy Foxall (2024-11-21)
by Hudson Balcombe (2024-11-22)
by Rolando Ogilvy (2024-11-22)
by Abe MacGregor (2024-11-22)
by Skye Willhite (2024-11-22)
by Rosalind Macdowell (2024-11-22)
by Jayme Crum (2024-11-22)
by Kacey Griffith (2024-11-22)
by Herbert Campbell (2024-11-22)
by Kitty Frame (2024-11-22)
by Sonja Winn (2024-11-22)
by Mai Haralson (2024-11-22)
by Norine Switzer (2024-11-22)
by Muoi Weaver (2024-11-22)
by Janine Riddle (2024-11-22)
by Shaun Hedin (2024-11-22)
by Maximo Felton (2024-11-22)
by Martin Simcox (2024-11-22)
by Faye Brazil (2024-11-22)
by Devon Onus (2024-11-22)
by Alecia Gonzalez (2024-11-22)
by Mia Alston (2024-11-22)
by Lane Baumgartner (2024-11-23)
by Paulo Miguel Melo (2024-11-23)
by Rozella Nichols (2024-11-23)
by Antoinette Cavazos (2024-11-23)
by Maria Heloísa Melo (2024-11-23)
by Oscar Charette (2024-11-23)
by Lloyd Barden (2024-11-23)
by Jackson McMaster (2024-11-23)
"João Enzo" (2024-11-23)
by Ruthie Delaney (2024-11-23)
by Malcolm Blaylock (2024-11-23)
by Consuelo Wysocki (2024-11-23)
by Maria Isadora Nunes (2024-11-23)
by Casie Quinn (2024-11-23)
by Casimira Cundiff (2024-11-23)
by Penni Waldock (2024-11-23)
by Kam Branco (2024-11-23)
by Hugh Cape (2024-11-23)
by Merissa Enderby (2024-11-23)
by Tania Weston (2024-11-23)
by Kandace Cespedes (2024-11-23)
by Jasmin Rubio (2024-11-23)
by France Baylebridge (2024-11-23)
by Rita Boyle (2024-11-23)
by Sara Cespedes (2024-11-23)
by Olga Eatock (2024-11-23)
by Wilhemina Fox (2024-11-23)
by Concetta Navarro (2024-11-23)
by Simon Tarr (2024-11-23)
by Travis Keene (2024-11-23)
by Rudy Oquendo (2024-11-23)
by Doris Abreu (2024-11-23)
by Tina Mahony (2024-11-23)
by Lela O'Doherty (2024-11-23)
by Margarita Serena (2024-11-23)
by Ricky Moriarty (2024-11-23)
by Ernest Steigrad (2024-11-23)
by Juana Murtagh (2024-11-23)
by Edna Holt (2024-11-23)
by Alex Zimmermann (2024-11-23)
by Taylah Keeling (2024-11-23)
by Richie Vancouver (2024-11-23)
by Randy Cottee (2024-11-23)
by Brandy Williford (2024-11-23)
by Jetta Ludlum (2024-11-23)
by Bob Baltzell (2024-11-23)
by Randolph Hodgetts (2024-11-23)
by Pedro João Pedro Carvalho (2024-11-23)
by Leon Beamon (2024-11-23)
by Doug Macfarlane (2024-11-23)
by Yetta Croteau (2024-11-23)
by Charlotte Alcantar (2024-11-23)
by Roseanna Hennessey (2024-11-23)
by Monty Woollacott (2024-11-23)
by Boyce Garden (2024-11-23)
by Leia Boyle (2024-11-23)
by Clark Moffett (2024-11-23)
by Wilburn Bellasis (2024-11-23)
by Patty Clendinnen (2024-11-23)
by Tabatha Beauvais (2024-11-23)
by Isaac Jefferson (2024-11-23)
by Raul Breton (2024-11-23)
by Frederick Heitmann (2024-11-23)
by Gia Mcdade (2024-11-23)
by Lupita Duryea (2024-11-23)
by Suzanna Seiffert (2024-11-23)
by Muriel Gill (2024-11-23)
by Eve Cantu (2024-11-24)
by Breanna Braddon (2024-11-24)
by Kaylene Catalano (2024-11-24)
by Gregg Kirkhope (2024-11-24)
by Dyan Arent (2024-11-24)
by Tomas Casimaty (2024-11-24)
by Marcus Shell (2024-11-24)
by Randy Sneddon (2024-11-24)
by Anton Dawe (2024-11-24)
by Maryanne Lair (2024-11-24)
by Paulo Francisco Moreira (2024-11-24)
by Raul Mansergh (2024-11-24)
by Shani Baracchi (2024-11-24)
by Mckinley Dyason (2024-11-24)
by Warner Dundalli (2024-11-24)
by Lyle Darrington (2024-11-24)
by Roslyn Sears (2024-11-24)
by Stacie Gwin (2024-11-24)
by Bernardo Swartwood (2024-11-24)
by Deana Holub (2024-11-24)
by Traci Siddons (2024-11-24)
by Roxie Whish (2024-11-24)
by Mari Macleay (2024-11-24)
by Brent Shorter (2024-11-24)
by Darell Chippindall (2024-11-24)
by Delmar Shapiro (2024-11-24)
by Cheryle Osterhagen (2024-11-24)
by Katherin Linkous (2024-11-24)
by Thurman Otis (2024-11-24)
by Poppy Grigsby (2024-11-24)
by Fanny Darcy (2024-11-24)
by Darby Grimshaw (2024-11-24)
by Art Minifie (2024-11-24)
by Johnnie Gerrity (2024-11-24)
by Gertrude McCants (2024-11-24)
by Kristine Gerste (2024-11-24)
by Elizbeth Sancho (2024-11-24)
by Isiah Carswell (2024-11-24)
by Isidra Blank (2024-11-24)
by Hellen Ponce (2024-11-24)
by Nichol Coventry (2024-11-24)
by Ilana Kotai (2024-11-24)
by Sadie Laflamme (2024-11-24)
by Gennie McLellan (2024-11-24)
by Katherin Linkous (2024-11-24)
by Josie Howes (2024-11-24)
by Mckenzie Bradfield (2024-11-24)
by Brooke Driscoll (2024-11-24)
by Daniella Benn (2024-11-24)
by Ella Gooseberry (2024-11-24)
by Pedro Isaac Ramos (2024-11-24)
by Marcela Mocatta (2024-11-24)
by Kiera Resch (2024-11-24)
by Estela Meston (2024-11-24)
by Antoinette Perales (2024-11-24)
by Penney Higgins (2024-11-24)
by Aubrey Pridham (2024-11-25)
by Zora Medley (2024-11-25)
by Ellen Campos (2024-11-25)
by Analisa Stoddard (2024-11-25)
by Octavio McCleary (2024-11-25)
by Thaddeus Winkle (2024-11-25)
by Paulo João Miguel Aragão (2024-11-25)
by Boyd Tindal (2024-11-25)
by Donald Clarkson (2024-11-25)
by Cornell Florence (2024-11-25)
by Buck Zarate (2024-11-25)
by Kathy Wurth (2024-11-25)
by Margareta Meldrum (2024-11-25)
by Marc Skipper (2024-11-25)
by Jonelle Thwaites (2024-11-25)
by Cathryn Kuefer (2024-11-25)
by Maria Luiza Pereira (2024-11-25)
by Wanda Piguenit (2024-11-25)
by Zack Human (2024-11-25)
by Samuel Lease (2024-11-25)
by Clyde Vonwiller (2024-11-25)
by Inge Beor (2024-11-25)
by Randal McLemore (2024-11-25)
by Forrest Jeanneret (2024-11-25)
by Clyde Wynkoop (2024-11-25)
by Shelli Buchholz (2024-11-25)
by Katherin Linkous (2024-11-26)
by Brittney McCasland (2024-11-26)
by Veda Mcclintock (2024-11-26)
by Finn Maur (2024-11-26)
by Oliver Donnithorne (2024-11-26)
by Jerrod Hobbs (2024-11-26)
by Lonnie Mackey (2024-11-26)
by Donna Parham (2024-11-26)
by Emil Cox (2024-11-26)
by Vernita Queen (2024-11-26)
by Ana Clara Gonçalves (2024-11-26)
by Audrey Mullins (2024-11-26)
by Claudette Cousin (2024-11-26)
by Palma Skillen (2024-11-26)
by Benjamin Borelli (2024-11-26)
by Catalina Hoss (2024-11-26)
by Rico Dillon (2024-11-26)
by Angelita Sabella (2024-11-26)
by Lucinda Broomfield (2024-11-26)
by Carla Aiello (2024-11-26)
by Katherin Linkous (2024-11-26)
by Marie Koss (2024-11-26)
by Gemma Haris (2024-11-26)
by Colleen Rojas (2024-11-26)
by Shelia Whitis (2024-11-26)
by Lena Gowing (2024-11-26)
by Albertha Waddell (2024-11-26)
by Joseph Banner (2024-11-26)
by Tanesha Ferraro (2024-11-26)
by Verla Creason (2024-11-26)
by Fidel Herington (2024-11-26)
by Otto Foelsche (2024-11-26)
by Casey Trudeau (2024-11-26)
by Houston McGuire (2024-11-26)
by Betty Alford (2024-11-26)
by Isis Darwin (2024-11-26)
by Katherin Linkous (2024-11-26)
by Muoi Waid (2024-11-26)
by Austin Adey (2024-11-26)
by Gloria Isabel (2024-11-26)
by Gerald Casteel (2024-11-26)
by Elva Wrench (2024-11-26)
by Daryl Macansh (2024-11-26)
by Kaylee Garica (2024-11-26)
by Edythe Fleming (2024-11-26)
by Lila Hildreth (2024-11-26)
by Olen Loflin (2024-11-26)
by Sabine Snodgrass (2024-11-26)
by Orval Creighton (2024-11-26)
by Danny Mondragon (2024-11-26)
by Klara Ahern (2024-11-26)
by Angus Kirschbaum (2024-11-26)
by Randy Prowse (2024-11-26)
by Florida McGraw (2024-11-26)
by May Medworth (2024-11-26)
by Celia Cottrell (2024-11-26)
by Reynaldo Mitford (2024-11-26)
by Rosalyn Cramsie (2024-11-26)
by Penelope Kotai (2024-11-26)
by Ara Maselli (2024-11-26)
by Adell Dunham (2024-11-26)
by Annmarie Aranda (2024-11-27)
by Del Snodgrass (2024-11-27)
by Rebecca Waterhouse (2024-11-27)
by Buck Horniman (2024-11-27)
by Sommer Clayton (2024-11-27)
by Melisa Perez (2024-11-27)
by Verona Billings (2024-11-27)
by Zoila Eads (2024-11-27)
by Gabriela Woodhouse (2024-11-27)
by Shalanda Pastor (2024-11-27)
by Mackenzie Morris (2024-11-27)
by Darryl Felton (2024-11-27)
by Jarred Frierson (2024-11-27)
by Milan Hodgson (2024-11-27)
by Lynne Dunlop (2024-11-27)
by Clair Harvey (2024-11-27)
by Alice Felan (2024-11-27)
by Kimberley Ruse (2024-11-27)
by Joni McCants (2024-11-27)
by Sherrill Gallegos (2024-11-27)
by June Fanny (2024-11-27)
by Wilhemina Keyes (2024-11-27)
by Horacio Stroup (2024-11-27)
by Nida Pilgrim (2024-11-27)
by Gisele Heckel (2024-11-27)
by Hassan Makutz (2024-11-27)
by Heath Murdoch (2024-11-27)
by Ernesto Vanwinkle (2024-11-27)
by Parthenia Hibner (2024-11-27)
by Stacey Castellano (2024-11-27)
by Fawn Luse (2024-11-27)
by Antonetta Dang (2024-11-27)
by Valencia Van Otterloo (2024-11-27)
by Adolph Quirk (2024-11-27)
by Ignacio Calkins (2024-11-27)
by Luciana Aldrich (2024-11-27)
by Thelma Temple (2024-11-27)
by Shella Knight (2024-11-27)
by Christopher Agar (2024-11-27)
by Maybell Cunningham (2024-11-27)
by Uta Almond (2024-11-27)
by Beatris Pitt (2024-11-27)
by Marcy Slapoffski (2024-11-27)
by Kristan Hoppe (2024-11-27)
by Davis Ogles (2024-11-27)
by Amee Travers (2024-11-27)
by Georgiana Paschall (2024-11-27)
by Jamey Mancia (2024-11-27)
by Carole Peterson (2024-11-27)
by Mickie Kushner (2024-11-27)
by Michell Prince (2024-11-27)
by Anja Oconnell (2024-11-28)
by Shaun Blanchette (2024-11-28)
by Rebekah Miranda (2024-11-28)
by Candida Lucero (2024-11-28)
by Reagan Severance (2024-11-28)
by Samuel Wicker (2024-11-28)
by Hilario Humphries (2024-11-28)
by Quincy Jerome (2024-11-28)
by Emanuel Wildman (2024-11-28)
by Moises Bou (2024-11-28)
by Roosevelt Comeaux (2024-11-28)
by Jenny Levy (2024-11-28)
by Jens Sylvia (2024-11-28)
by Shelton York (2024-11-28)
by Milan Dallas (2024-11-28)
by Jeannie Penson (2024-11-28)
by Suzanna Holiday (2024-11-28)
by Lloyd Keesler (2024-11-28)
by Donna Alder (2024-11-28)
by Yvette Bickersteth (2024-11-29)
by Giselle Kaleski (2024-11-29)
by Bobbie Prinsep (2024-11-29)
by Terri Rosser (2024-11-29)
by Rebbeca Wannemaker (2024-11-29)
by Mollie Heyward (2024-11-29)
by Jerrold Mercado (2024-11-29)
by Merle Taylor (2024-11-29)
by Maxwell Posey (2024-11-29)
by Marcos Blau (2024-11-29)
by Douglas Sedgwick (2024-11-29)
by Latia Larios (2024-11-29)
by Beth Le Grand (2024-11-29)
by Piper Benefield (2024-11-29)
by Katherin Summy (2024-11-29)
by Kerri Grow (2024-11-29)
by Anita Perl (2024-11-29)
by Arlette Macon (2024-11-29)
by Porfirio Colunga (2024-11-29)
by Cyril Vosper (2024-11-29)
by Joshua Dyke (2024-11-29)
by Crystle Daws (2024-11-29)
by John Hixson (2024-11-29)
by Alicia Ann (2024-11-29)
by Elwood Clemmer (2024-11-30)
by Dane Magallon (2024-11-30)
by Maxwell Quick (2024-11-30)
by Margareta Corrigan (2024-11-30)
by Gwen Travers (2024-11-30)
by Columbus Birkbeck (2024-11-30)
by Sonia Falconer (2024-11-30)
by Mai Affleck (2024-11-30)
by Jeannette Yeager (2024-11-30)
by Margery McNicoll (2024-11-30)
by Ben Westbrook (2024-11-30)
by Larue Gerken (2024-11-30)
by Royce Neidig (2024-11-30)
by Zella Bold (2024-11-30)
by Jesse Harford (2024-11-30)
by Jerald Riley (2024-11-30)
by Tara Hankins (2024-11-30)
by Tomoko Vachon (2024-11-30)
by Athena Basham (2024-11-30)
by Zelma Akhtar (2024-11-30)
by Shaunte Luis (2024-11-30)
by Suzanne Sikes (2024-11-30)
by Elisabeth Tarenorerer (2024-12-01)
by Darryl Oman (2024-12-01)
by Hester Schweitzer (2024-12-01)
by Jake Levesque (2024-12-01)
by Lily Langston (2024-12-01)
by Mariam Felton (2024-12-01)
by Brittny Boose (2024-12-01)
by Kelli Leventhal (2024-12-01)
by Rosetta Guilfoyle (2024-12-01)
by Irving Adair (2024-12-01)
by Stacie Gall (2024-12-01)
by Concepcion Woodbury (2024-12-01)
by Dee Ogle (2024-12-01)
by Monique Inwood (2024-12-01)
by Hosea Bearden (2024-12-01)
by Elias Galbraith (2024-12-01)
by Luigi Fielding (2024-12-01)
by Brittny Oden (2024-12-01)
by Hope Hulsey (2024-12-01)
by Charley Corlis (2024-12-01)
by Minerva Sayre (2024-12-01)
by Preston Hobler (2024-12-01)
by Rosaline Lira (2024-12-01)
by Samira Gagner (2024-12-01)
by Jenni Hoffmann (2024-12-01)
by Benito Marriott (2024-12-01)
by Dixie Trotter (2024-12-01)
by Alberto Cerda (2024-12-01)
by Kareem Claypool (2024-12-01)
by Marsha Loving (2024-12-01)
by Florian Lanham (2024-12-01)
by Dominique Fulton (2024-12-01)
by Carina Boyland (2024-12-01)
by Isabella Valliere (2024-12-01)
by Callie Swanton (2024-12-01)
by Ted Hardin (2024-12-01)
by Buster McClusky (2024-12-02)
by Kristofer Muhammad (2024-12-02)
by Nelson Choate (2024-12-02)
by Toney Nicholson (2024-12-02)
by Luca Johansen (2024-12-02)
by Bennett Kessler (2024-12-02)
by Vida Pina (2024-12-02)
by Brett Gloeckner (2024-12-02)
by Thaddeus Bustamante (2024-12-02)
by Shelli Murr (2024-12-02)
by Blair Kesteven (2024-12-02)
by Faye Dominique (2024-12-02)
by Jonas Belbin (2024-12-02)
by Kelsey Dadson (2024-12-02)
by Malissa Hallstrom (2024-12-02)
by Christen Lauterbach (2024-12-02)