Implementing Character Education Values in Lampung Regional Songs for Critical Reading Learning Materials in Junior High School: Critical Discourse Analysis

Muhammad Fuad, Syarifuddin Dahlan, Ulul Azmi Muhammad, Sumarno Sumarno, Istiqomah Ahsanu Amala


This study focuses on implementing character education values through the lyrics of regional songs from Lampung as learning material for critical reading in middle schools. Four regional songs from Lampung were selected for analysis, focusing on values such as caution, consistency, courage, and integrity. The method used in this research is critical discourse analysis, identifying how character values are contained in the lyrics and how they can be integrated into the critical reading curriculum in middle schools. The results of this study indicate that the lyrics of Lampung's regional songs contain various character values relevant to character education in schools. In addition, this study also shows the potential for integrating regional songs as innovative teaching material to develop students' critical reading skills.  This research can serve as a reference for policy-making in character education and developing critical reading teaching material.

Keywords: Character Education, Lampung Regional Songs, Critical Reading, Critical Discourse Analysis, Middle Schools.

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