Serawai Cultural Identity: Ideality Vs Reality

Arif Hidayat


Language under threat of extinction, one of them is Serawai language in South Bengkulu. This study aims to determine the response and factors that influence the understanding of Serawai language in South Bengkulu society. This research uses a qualitative descriptive method conducted in 6 sub-districts namely Kota Manna, Pasar Manna, Manna, Seginim, Pino Raya, Ulu Manna. The data collection method uses semi-open questionnaires and tests that have been validated by material and media experts. The results obtained from this study are the response of the people of South Bengkulu to Serawai language, namely they are proud to use Serawai language but prefer to use slang, so that the understanding of Serawai language is inversely proportional to the average 97.78% (proud); 10.55% (prefer to use slang). Meanwhile, the factors that influence the level of understanding of Serawai language are the very low frequency of using Serawai language, the influence of globalization and modernity, the lack of government support, and the mixing of Serawai language with other languages. This research produces a product in the form of a pocket book in Serawai language.


Keywords: Cultural Identity, Gaps, Serawai Language 


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