The Role Of KH.Rais Abdillah In The Development Of Islamic Religion In Ambarawa Pringsewu 1985-2005 KH. Rais Abdillah came to the Ambarawa area in 1985, with a mission to improve the quality and quantity of Islam in the Ambarawa area. the condition of the people in Ambarawa in the 80s at that time, the prevalence of deviant treatment from the teachings of the Koran, the number of gambling games, cockfighting, the practice of black magic made a challenge for KH. Rais Abdillah to be able to broadcast the teachings of Islam. This study will discuss the role played by KH. Rais Abdillah in the development of Islam in Ambarawa Pringsewu. The purpose of this study was to determine the role of KH. Rais Abdillah in the development of Islam in Ambarawa Pringsewu in 1985-2005. This study uses qualitative methods, research with qualitative methods is research whose findings are not obtained through statistical procedures but rather descriptive research and tend to use analysis. From the results of this study found the role played by KH. Rais Abdillah as a religious figure in the development of Islam in Ambarawa, an effort to develop the Islamic religion that KH. Rais Abdillah did it through the fields of education, treatment, and recitations. The conclusion in this study explains his role in the Ambarawa community as a religious leader, healer, caretaker of a boarding school, and as a consultant for the community. The nature, wisdom, nurturing, generous, patient, wise and special characteristics of KH. Rais Abdillah is respected by the Ambarawa people, making the quality and quantity in Ambarawa increasing. This is not only done individually, with the cooperation of the community and local government so that all activities carried out can run smoothly.
Keywords: KH. Rais Abdillah, Development, Ambarawa
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