The aim of this research is to know the influence of coopertive learning type Number Head Together (NHT) towards student’s mathematical problem solving ability. NHT is a cooperative learning model which numbering as its characteristic, where each students have the same opportunity to present their discussion result so each groups have to ready and taking responsibility if their number are called. This quasi experimental research uses posttest only control group design. A population of this research is all the eighth grade students of odd semester in Junior High School State 3 Pakuan Ratu in academic years 2012/2013, that consits of 59 students which are distributed into two study groups with mathematical ability in the same level. The samples are student class of VIII A and VIII B which are obtained by using total sampling technique. The data collecting technique of this research is an essay test. According to the hypothesis testing, it is concluded that NHT have not influence towards student’s mathematical problem solving ability.
Keywords: influence, problem solving, mathematical problem
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