Erli Yanita, Cas wita, M. Coesamin


This quasi-experimental research aims to know the influence of SAVI (Somatic, Auditory, Visual, and Intelectual) approach to the student’s mathematical conceptual comprehension. Population of this reseacrh is second grade students in the even semester at SMPN 1 Sidomulyo in 2012/2013 as many as 260 students that consist of seven classes with an average value of low cognitive ability (47,53). The samples of this research are choosen by purposive sampling technique and it is obtained VIII B and VIII E. The design of this research is the posttest-only control-group design. The instrument of this research is an essay test of student’s mathematical conceptual comprehension that valid and has high reliability. Based on the results of hypothesis testing obtained that student’s mathematical conceptual comprehension with SAVI approach is better than student’s mathematical conceptual comprehension with conventional learning. Thus, learning with SAVI approach an influence to the mathematical conceptual comprehension of second grade students at SMPN 1 Sidomulyo in 2012/2013.



Key Words: SAVI Approach, Mathematical Conceptual Comprehension

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