Penggunaan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe TGT untuk Meningkatkan Aktivitas dan Pemahaman Konsep Matematika
The students’ understanding of Mathematic concept in class VII.2 in the first semester of SMPN 1 Gadingrejo in the year 2012/2013 was relatively low.The students activities in the teaching learning process were also less active. The teaching modesl wich were used were conventional learning models so, the learning process were seemed monotonous. This research is a classroom action research which was conducted to increase the students’ learning activities and in understanding Mathematic concept through TGT Typed Cooperative Learning Model in the first semester of Class VII.2 of SMPN 1 Gadingrejo 2012/2013. The results of the research showed that there is a positive improvement of the students’ learning activities and understanding Mathematic concepts trough the implementation of TGT Typed Cooperative Learning Model in the first semester of Class VII.2 of SMPN 1 Gadingrejo 2012/2013. From data analytic could be gotten that the average percentage of students’ learning activities increased significantly 87,5%, the progress of students in understanding Mathematic concept increased into 69,351 %, and 68,75 % for students Mastery Learning. It could be concluded that the implementation of TGT Typed Cooperative Learning Model in the first semester of Class VII.2 of SMP N.1 Gadingrejo 2012-2013 was able to increase students’ learning activities and in understanding Mathematic concept.
Keyword : Learning Activities, Mathematic Concept, TGT.
Keyword : Learning Activities, Mathematic Concept, TGT.
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