Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe NHT untuk Meningkatkan Aktivitas dan Pemahaman Konsep Matematika
The process of teaching in the classroom by teacher assigned greatly influenced the success of students in learning, the less of learning activity and students’ mathematics conceptual understanding are indicated that the teaching is not optimal. The objective of this classroom action research is to improve activity and understanding of mathematic concepts towards students’ at the first semester of the seventh class at SMP N 1 Pardasuka in 2012/2013. The data of student’s activity obtained through observation process and mathematic conceptual understanding through finally cycle test. From the research found that in the end cycle III, the students’ learning activity reach 76% and student’s mathematics concept understanding reach 72%, it means that more than an indicator that have set which 65%. So that, the cooperative learning model type NHT can improve activity and mathematics conceptual understanding towards student’s ability at the first semester of the seventh class at SMP N 1 Pardasuka in 2012/2013.
Key Word : cooperative learning model type NHT, understanding mathematics concepts
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