Upaya Meningkatkan Aktivitas dan Pemahaman Konsep Matematis Siswa Melalui Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe STAD
Base observing result on VIII class student D. SMP Country 2 Jati School Year Grand 2012/2013 acknowledged that activity and student concept grasp in processes learning still low. It is caused less effective it model that is utilized learns to involve active ala student in learning activity. To settle research does that problem action by applying kooperatif's learning model STAD type that aims to increase activity and mathematical concept grasp student. Action research brazes this is done in three cycles, one that each its cycle consisting of four activity phase which is: planning phase, performing phase, observing phase and reflection phase. Technics data collecting is opserfasi and essays. Base research result and study was concluded by learning with utilize kooperatif's model type STAD can increase activity and mathematics concept grasp student. That thing is proved of observing activity and concept grasp ability student on each cycle: (1) student average percentages which i. cycle actives, II., III. 64,87%, (2) average percentages that understand i. cycle concept, II.. III. 73,95%
Key word: student activity, concept grasp, STAD
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