Efektivitas Model Pembelajaran Inkuiri Ditinjau dari Kemampuan Komunikasi Matematis Siswa

Puspa Dewi, Pentatito Gunowibowo, Nur Hanurawati


Inquiry learning model is a student-centered learning where students are guided to be able to use the concepts that have been owned by the students to discover new knowledge.  This research is quasi experimental design that aimed to know the effectiveness of inquiry learning model considered on students mathematical communication skill.  This research using posttest only control group design.  The population of this research are all students of eight grade Junior High School State 1 Natar with The Education Year 2012/2013.  The sample of this research are two classes from twelve classes that choosed by purposive random sampling technique.  This research can conclusion that in a short time of mathematics learning using inquiry learning model is not effective if the successful learning considered on students mathematical communication skill.

Keywords: Effectiveness, Inquiry, Mathematical Communication.

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