Novia Prastika, Arnelis Djalil, Rini Asnawati


This research was quasi experiment that aims to find influence of the implementation of Contextual Teaching and Learning towards students’s understanding of mathematical concept in 8th grade students SMPN 1 Sekincau academic years 2012/2013.  The design of this research was posstest only control design.  The po-pulation in this research was all of the students in 8th grade of SMPN 1 Sekincau academic years 2012/2013 there are not involved as prior class.  The research sample consist of two class that taken by used purposive random sampling’s technics.  The research data was the data of students’s understanding of mathematical concept that taken by test.  Based on hypothesis analysis can be coclude that Contextual Teaching and Learning has an influence for students’s understanding of mathematical concept in 8th grade students SMPN 1 Sekincau academic years 2012/2013.

Keywords: Contextual Teaching and Learning, Understanding of mathematical concept.

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