Ari Septian, Sarah Inayah, Ihsanu Nasihin


The purpose of this study was to develop teaching materials assisted by Google Classroom in the form of mathematical material about building cubes and blocks, examples of math problems, and practice math problems. Developed as empirical evidence of the effectiveness of Google Classroom-assisted teaching materials on building materials. The method used in this study is research and development (Research and Development) with the ADDIE development model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation). These teaching materials were developed through a questionnaire and assessed from several expert validations including media experts and material experts. Based on the results of the media expert validation, the average score percentage was 78.3% and was included in the Eligible category. Meanwhile, based on the results of material expert validation, the average score percentage is 82.6% and is included in the Very Eligible category. Thus, overall Google Classroom-assisted teaching materials on this spatial building material have a percentage of 80.4% and fall into the Very Eligible category. so that it is effective as a Google Classroom-assisted teaching material on building materials and can be used anytime.


Keywords: build space; google classroom; teaching materials





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