Windi Ria Astuti, Noerhasmalina Noerhasmalina, Binti Anisaul Khasanah


It is not easy for students to understand the questions in the form of stories so that errors often occur in the process of solving problems. This study aims to describe the factors that cause vocational students' errors in solving story problems based on Anne Newman. This research is a qualitative research. The instrument used in this research is a test which consists of 3 questions and an interview guide. The subjects in this study were students of class XII TKJ SMK Patria Gadingrejo. Analysis of the data using the analysis of the location of student errors based on Anne Newman's procedure, namely a) reading the problem, understanding the problem, b) transforming the problem, c) process skills, and d) writing the final answer. The factors that cause student errors at each stage are: 1) misunderstood the problem, the cause of which is the lack of understanding and thoroughness of students; 2) problem transformation errors, the reason is that students do not master the concept and do not have mastery of the material; 3) process skill errors, the cause of which students are wrong in doing the initial steps of work; 4) errors in writing the final answer, the reason is that students are not accustomed to writing conclusions.


Keywordserrors; newman; probability; story problems



DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.23960/mtk/v9i4.pp413-426


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