This research is motivated by the low understanding of students' mathematical concepts, especially on social arithmetic material. The purpose of this study was to describe the stages of the metaphorical thinking approach method and the magnitude of the increase in students' conceptual understanding of social arithmetic material. The data collection method used in this classroom action research (CAR) includes written tests and observations in each cycle. The research instruments used were lesson plans, worksheets, question sheets, and observation sheets for the implementation of learning in each cycle. The research subjects were students of class VII in one of the madrasah tsanawiyah in Lamongan as many as 23 students. Based on the results of data analysis, the classical student activity assessment increased 23.85% from 66.25% to 90.1%. Student test results also increased by 34.8%, namely from cycle I it reached 47.8% and cycle II reached 82.6%, with the results achieved can be declared complete, and it can be concluded that in online mathematics learning there is an increase in understanding concept in class VII madrasah tsanawiyah in Lamongan by using the application of Metaphorical Thinking.
Keywords: concept understanding; metaphorical thinking; online learning
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