Rihlatis Sa'idah, Mukti Sintawati, Fitria Desi Nurhadiyani


This study aims to improve mathematics communication skills and problem solving through the application of realistic mathematics education. The type of research used is Classroom Action Research. The research subjects were 18 students of class V SD Muhammadiyah Notoprajan, while the object of this research was the mathematics communication skills and problem solving abilities. The data collection techniques used were tests and observations. The data collection instruments used were mathematical communication test questions and problem solving, and observation sheets. Mathematical communication data and problem solving abilities were analyzed descriptively. The results of the study indicate that there is an increase in mathematics communication skills and problem solving through the application of realistic mathematics education. This is indicated by the percentage of students with high and very high mathematics communication skills in the first cycle of 72.22% and an increase in the second cycle to 94%. The percentage of students with the ability to solve math problems in the high and very high category in the first cycle was 66.67%, an increase in the second cycle to 100%.

Keywords:mathematics communication; problem solving; realistic mathematics




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