The purpose of this research was to effect the ELPSA learning model on students' mathematical literacy abilities, determine the effect of student learning anxiety on mathematical literacy skills, and determine the interaction between learning models and anxiety on mathematical literacy skills. This research is a quantitative type of quasi-experimental research. The sampling technique used was simple random sampling. Data were collected through tests and questionnaires. The test uses an essay with comparative material to measure mathematical literacy skills, while a questionnaire was used to determine the categories of student learning anxiety. The pre-requisite test in this study used the normality and homogeneity test. The data analysis technique used the two-way ANOVA test with different cells. Based on the calculation of ANOVA two ways different cells have obtained a test decision that is rejected, is rejected, and is accepted, it is necessary to carry out a further post ANOVA test using the Scheffe method '. The results showed that: there was an effect of the ELPSA learning model on mathematical literacy skills, there was an effect of student learning anxiety on mathematical literacy skills, and there was no interaction between learning models and student learning anxiety on mathematical literacy abilities.
Keywords: ELPSA; learning anxiety; mathematical literacy skills
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