The purpose of this study was to determine the extent of generation Z's understanding of the history of mathematics. The population of this study was students of the Indonesian Teknokrat University Mathematics Education class of 2017 and 2018 who had taken philosophy and history of mathematics courses. Subject selection is done by the saturated sampling method, where the number of samples used is the same as the population. The sample used is still classified as generation Z because it was born in 1998-2001. This research is a qualitative descriptive study with data collection techniques using a questionnaire containing 20 questions. From the research results, it is stated that the history of mathematics is very important to be applied and integrated into the mathematics learning process. This can be shown by obtaining the percentage of achievement of the indicators in positive questions of 75%. The understanding of the history of mathematics according to generation Z, namely 74% can foster enthusiasm, skills, and confidence in the learning process, 84% can be used as a strategy in the learning process, 74% increase motivation to explore mathematics, 68% can compare mathematics with ancient techniques and current techniques, 58% can know more or less the origins of mathematics and 84% know more about the character behind the formulas used in mathematics. However, as many as 53% of generation Z still have a low interest in the history of mathematics and 63% of generation Z give an opinion that the history of mathematics does not change their impression that mathematics is scary.
Keywords: generation z; history of mathematics; understanding
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