The objectives of this study were (1) to apply the spanning-tree material learning design in the Research Operations course through a problem-based learning approach using the help of the google maps application, (2) to find out the problem-solving abilities of students of Sanata Dharma University in class A Research Operations towards understanding the concept of spanning. tree. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. Data collection methods are obtained through documentation and giving tests through Student Worksheets (LKM). The data analysis technique used was data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The results showed that (1) the learning design that was designed using a problem-based learning approach with the help of the google maps application was good and could be used to help students understand the spanning-tree concept (2) students problem-solving abilities measured using the NCTM indicator showed that 16 students can meet all indicators, 10 students only meet indicator 1, 2, and 4 but do not meet indicator 3.
Keywords: google maps; problem based learning; spanning tree
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