Badiatun Nisail Fadilah, Jazim Jazim, Nurul Farida


The purpose of this development is to produce an E-module based on Contextual Teaching and Learning in Geometry Transformation material that is valid and practical so that it can be used as one of the mathematics learning resources, especially the material of transformation geometry. The type of research used is research and development (R & D). The model used is the Plomp development model. The stages used in this development model only phase 1 to phase 4, namely the initial investigation phase (preliminary investigation), the design phase (design), the realization/construction phase (realization/construction), the evaluation and revision phase (evaluation and revision). The types of questionnaires used were 2 types, namely an expert validation questionnaire and a student response questionnaire. Based on the results of expert validation the results of the material and the language expert validation percentage were 83.08% (very feasible category), design experts 86.11% (very feasible category) so that the overall material and language validation results and design were 84.56 % (very decent category). The results of the small group trials obtained from the student questionnaire responses to the mathematics E-Module were 88.6% (very practical category). Based on the results of the validity/feasibility and practical group test, it can be concluded that the E-Module mathematics based on Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) on the transformation geometry material assisted by Flipbook Maker is very feasible and very practical to be used as one of the sources of mathematics learning, especially on geometry material transformation.


Keywords: Development, E-Module, Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL), Transformation Geometry



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