The purpose of this study is to determine an increasement in student learning outcomes in mathematics learning using the Self-Assessment method in class XI MIPA 2 students, totaling 36 students in Linear Program material at SMA Negeri I Banyumas. This research is a Classroom Action Research (CAR) which consists of four steps in the cycle, namely Planning, Action, Observing, and Reflecting. Data collection and analysis techniques were analyzed using descriptive statistics. The test result obtained in the first cycle obtained a class average of 67.05 and a percentage of completeness of 50%. From the Self-Assessment sheet, it is known that students' difficulties are determining the area of completion and modeling the problem into a linear program, so it is necessary to do cycle II to improve student learning outcomes. From the test results in cycle II, it was found that the class average increased to 75.56. Students' learning completeness increased from previously only 50% of students who completed to 70%. The findings of student difficulties written on the Self-Assessment sheet are still dominated by modeling the problem and its objective function. The conclusion from this research is that the implementation of the Self-Assessment method shows an increase in student learning outcomes.
Keywords: classroom action research; learning outcomes; self-assessment
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