Mohamad Irhas Septiadi, Yeni Rahmawati ES., Satrio Wicaksono Sudarman


The purpose of this study is to produce a mathematics handout with PMRI approach to facilitate students mathematical reasoning on valid and practical matrix material. The research type used in this research and development is the ADDIE model. The stages in the ADDIE model are: analyze, design, develop, implement, and evaluate. Data collection techniques in this study were interviews and questionnaires. The data collection instruments used were interview sheets, and validation questionnaires (media experts and material experts), practicality questionnaires (student responses). Data analysis used is to calculate the valid and practical scale of the resulting development product. Qualitative data analysis was obtained from the comments or suggestions given by media experts and material experts. Based on the validation results by 2 material experts, it was obtained a percentage of 83% was categorized as valid, and 2 media experts obtained a percentage of 76% in the valid category. The trial was conducted at Muhammadiyah High School 1 Way Jepara with a total of 6 students to see the practicality of the handout developed. The practicality results of the student response questionnaire obtained an average of 79.33% and categorized as practical. Based on the predetermined criteria, the mathematics handout that has been developed meets the valid and practical category.

Keywords: handouts; indonesian realistic mathematics education (PMRI); mathematical reasoning






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