The purpose of this study is to examine the average mathematical creative thinking ability of students who received learning with the Treffinger model assisted by Geoboard media compared to students who received learning with expository models, examining the difference in the average technical thinking ability of fourth-graders before and after the implementation of the Treffinger model with the help of Geoboard media, examining the creative thinking skills of students who received learning with the Treffinger model with the help of Geoboard media has reached KKM. Experimental Quasi research with pre-test post-test control group design is carried out in class IV. Analyze data using independent samples t-test, paired sample t-test, and one-sample t-test. The results showed (1) The average mathematical creative thinking ability of students who followed learning using the Treffinger learning model assisted by Geoboard media was better than the mathematical creative thinking skills of students who followed learning using expository learning models. (2) There is an average difference in the mathematical creative thinking ability of grade IV students before and after the use of Treffinger learning models assisted by Geoboard media on roving materials and flat build area. (3) The creative mathematical thinking skills of students who participate in math learning with Treffinger learning model assisted by Geoboard media can reach KKM which is 70.
Keywords: creative thinking skills; geobard; treffinger model
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