The Effectiveness of Problem Based Learning Model In Term of Students’ Mathematical Communication Skills
This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of problem based learning model in terms of students' mathematical communication skills. The population of this study was all students of grade VIII of SMP Negeri 2 Pugung, Tanggamus in the academic year of 2018/2019 as many as 135 students, which were distributed into five classes. The sample of this study were students in VIIIA and VIIIB class selected by cluster random sampling technique. The design which was used was a pretest-posttest group design. Data analysis used the Mann-Whitney U test and proportion test. The results of data analysis showed that the mathematical communication skills of students who followed the PBL model were higher than the mathematical communication skills of students who followed conventional learning and the proportion of students who had good categorized of mathematical communication skills was more than 60% of the number of students who followed the PBL model. Thus, the PBL model was effective in terms of students' mathematical communication skills.
Keywords : comunication skils of mathematics, problem based learning
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