The Effectiveness of Cooperative Learning Model Think Pair Share In Terms of Students’ Mathematical Conceptual Understanding Ability and self confidence. This quasi-experimental research aimed to find out the effectiveness of cooperativelearning model think pair sharein terms of Students’ Mathematical conceptualunderstanding ability and self confidence. The population of this research was all students of grade VII of SMPN 10Bandarlampung in academic year of 2017/2018. The sample of this research were students of class VIIF and VIIG, that were chosen by purposive sampling technique. This research used pretest-posttest control group design. The data analysis used t’-test and proportion test. Hypothesis test results showed that gain of students’ mathematical conceptual understanding abilities and self confidence in the think pair sharemodel class was higher than the conventional class. Propotion of students’s score at least 70 in mathematical concept understanding abilities was more than 60% of total students in think pair share model class. Based on the research, it can be concluded that cooperativelearning model think pair sharewas effective interms of students’ mathematical conceptual understanding ability and self confidence.
Kata kunci:Efektivitas,pemahaman konsep, think pair share
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