The Influence of Discovery Learning Model Towards Students’ Understanding of Mathematical Concepts.

Ronaldo Redi Caprio, Sri Hastuti Noer, Agung Putra Wijaya


This research aimed to find out the influence of discovery learning model towards student’s understanding of mathematical concepts. The population of this research was all of 7th grade students of SMPN 31 Bandarlampung in academic year of 2018/2019 that distributed into nine classes. The samples of this research were students of VII E and VII F class which chosen by cluster random sampling technique. The randomized pretest-posttest control group design was used as the design of this research.  The data of this research was  score of understanding of mathematical concepts that obtained by essay test on quadrilaterals and triangle. By using t’ test analysis,  it was concluded that discovery learning model was influenced student’s understanding of mathematical concepts.

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