Pengaruh Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Think Pair Share Terhadap Pemahaman Konsep Matematis Siswa
This research aimed to find out the influence of think pair share on understanding students' mathematical concepts. The population of this research was students of grade VIII of Junior High School 1 Semaka in academic year of 2018/2019 much 176 students that were distributed into six classes. The sampling was done by cluster random sampling technique and it was chosen students of VIII B as many as 28 students and VIII C as many as 29 students. The design which was used in this research was the pretest-posttest design control group design. Research data were obtained through test on understanding students' mathematical concepts. The data analysis which was used was t test. The result of this research show that enhancement on understanding students' mathematical concepts of student who follow learning with think pair share no higher than understanding students' mathematical concepts of student who follow learning with convensional.
Keywords: cooperative learning, understanding mathematical concepts, think pair share
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pembelajaran think pair share (TPS) terhadap pemahaman konsep matematis siswa. Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri 1 Semaka tahun pelajaran 2018/2019 sebanyak 176 siswa yang terdistribusi dalam enam kelas. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan teknik cluster random sampling dan terpilih siswa pada kelas VIII-B sebanyak 28 siswa dan VIII C sebanyak 29 siswa. Desain yang digunakan adalah pretest – posttest control group design. Data penelitian diperoleh dari tes kemampuan pemahaman konsep matematis siswa. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah uji lilifors dan uji . Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemahaman konsep matematis siswa dengan model kooperatif tipe TPS lebih dari pada pemahaman konsep matematis siswa dengan model konvensional.
Kata Kunci: pemahaman konsep matematis, pembelajaran kooperatif, think pai share
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