Tika Rahayu, Caswita Caswita, Sugeng Sutiarso


This quasi experimental research aimed to find out the effectiveness of cooperative integrated reading and composition model in term of students mathematical communications skill. The design which was used was posttest only control group design. The population of this research was all students of grade 8th of SMPN 30 Bandar Lampung in academic year of 2015/2016. The samples of this research were students of VIIIA and VIIID class that were determined by purposive random sampling. Based on the result of data analysis, it was concluded that the implementation of cooperative integrated reading and composition model was not effective in term of students mathematical communications skill.

Penelitian eksperimen semu ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas model pembelajaran cooperative integrated reading and composition ditinjau dari kemampuan komunikasi matematis siswa. Desain yang digunakan adalah posttest only control group design. Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas VIII SMPN 30 Bandar Lampung tahun pelajaran 2015/2016. Sampel penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VIIIA dan VIIID yang ditentukan dengan teknik purposive random sampling. Berdasar pada hasil analisis data, diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa model pembelajaran cooperative integrated reading and composition tidak efektif ditinjau dari kemampuan komunikasi matematis siswa.

Kata kunci: cooperative integrated reading and composition, efektivitas, komunikasi matematis

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