The purpose of this research are to evaluate Information Communication and Technology (ICT) study at SMPN 2 Gunung Labuhan Kabupaten Way Kanan, and specifically aim for analyze: (1) learning environment condition of ICT, (2) tool and infrastructure that support in learning process execution of ICT, (3) ICT learning process that done, and (4) ICT result achievement learns at SMPN 2 Gunung Labuhan Kabupaten Way Kanan. The genre of this research category is a quantitative evaluation research and evaluation method used in this research are Contexs, Input, Process, Product (CIPP) model. The Population is the entire students of VIII class SMPN 2 Gunung Labuhan Kabupaten Way Kanan in the year of 2012/2013 that consisted of 181 students, and the sample of the research appointeds as big as 25 % from population total, that is 45 students. The data that used in this research is gatherred to use observation method, documentation, and practice test. Data analysis technique that used in this evaluation is quantitative descriptive analysis.The evaluation result that ICT learning at SMPN 2 Gunung Labuhan Kabupaten Way Kanan success well with percentage result 70,47%. While specifically conclusion are : (1) evaluation in component context as big as 58,62% with enough category (2), evaluation in component input as big as 78,47% with good category (3), evaluation in process component as big as 76,43% with good category and (4) evaluation in component product as big as 68,38% with good category.
Keyword : contexs, input, process
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