Ratna Dewi, Farida Ariyani, Nurlaksana Eko Rusminto


The preservation of Lampung language is seen from the teak-speaking community, which uses its language when communicating with other teak speakers. The preservation of Lampung language can be done in the realm of education so that the younger generation does not experience language shift from an early age. An important element in preparing the future of the nation by teaching its young generation, learning from elementary school to the upper secondary level in accordance with Pergub number 39 of 2014. Lampung ethnic community based on its division, consisting of Saibatin community and Pepadun community, some areas are formulated by Dr. Van royen, divided into two dialects, namely dialect A and dialect O. Lampung language preservation, in the community the percentage is more often found using dialect A because it is used to communicate in everyday life. The preservation of Lampung language, in the realm of formal education, is carried out using dialect A. This happens because 75% of Lampung language teaching staff from elementary to high schools are more proficient in dialect A. Apart from the classification of dialects formulated by Dr. Van royen, Lampung language existence in the world of education has opened bachelor and master programs at A accredited universities in Lampung province, producing young people who participate in preserving Lampung language and culture in the future.


Keyword: language preservation, language dialects, Lampung language

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