Editorial Policies

Focus and Scope

Tiyuh Lampung Journal raises topics about Language, Literature, and Learning. Scope of writers from the environment of Lecturers / Teachers, Students, and academics. Tiyuh Lampung Journal facilitates the publication of articles on the results of Lecturer Research and Service.

Jurnal Tiyuh Lampung ngebista perihal bahasa, sastra, aksara, budaya rik pembelajaranne. Penulisne dapok dosen, guru, mahasiswa,  praktisi, pemerhati, juga akademisi. Di jurnal sija juga dapok ngejuk pok publikasi hasil penelitian rik pengabdian dosen.

Jurnal Tiyuh Lampung mengangkat topik seputar Bahasa, Sastra, dan Pembelajarannya. Ruang Lingkup penulis dari lingkungan Dosen/Guru, Mahasasiswa, maupun para akademisi. Jurnal Tiyuh Lampung memfasilitasi publikasi artikel hasil Penelitian dan Pengabdian Dosen.


Section Policies


Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Peer Review Process

  • Reviewers will provide written feedback on the appointed time with  a commitment to contribute scientific values and significance to the assigned duty, e.g. by making available the reviewer’s feedback in written documents.concerning purpose of the research and its scientific values, this is done by mitra bebestari (reviewers) in written documents.
  • Reviewers will confirm whether  submitted manuscripts are well-composed, concise, relevant, scientifically accurate, original, and of the journal’s focus and scope. persuasive.
  • Reviewers will avoid personal comments and critics.
  • Reviewers will not open communication in any form with authors except authorized by the editor. Strictly forbidden contacting the author without permission from the editor.
  • In the case of being unconfident to return a review within the mutually agreed time frame, reviewers will promptly inform the editor and recommend other potential reviewers. Informing the editor as soon as possible if fail to finish the review beyond the due date and suggesting other qualified mitra bebestari (reviewers).
  • Reviewers will decide the the scientific performance, originality, and the work’s scope. Reviewers should provide feedback for improvement and give recommendations of acceptance or rejection based on evaluation scale. during the rating scale.
  • Reviewers will check the manuscript for its originality and ensure that there is no copyright infringement. Checking that every article is original and did not violate any copyright.
  • Reviewers will notify the editors if they have conflicts of interests resulting from competitive, collaborative, or other relationships or connections with the authors, institutions, or companies related to the manuscripts. Telling the editors to be aware of conflicts may caused by the article, such as private, financial, and etc; should it happens, reviewers must find the right solution to solve it.
  • Reviewers will ensure that the standards and policies applied by the journal have been appropriately adhered by the submitted manuscripts.  Ensuring that the article is meeting journal’s standard.
  • Reviewers will protect readers from erroneous or defective researches  which might not be verifiable or able to be validated by the readers..
  • Reviewers will anticipate any statements from previous relevant reports or published works without proper citing. citing the works which is relevant for other scholars.


Publication Frequency

JURNAL Tiyuh Lampung: Journal of Language and Culture of Lampung

It is a regional language and literature education journal that is published twice a year, namely in April and September. Tiyuh Lampung Journal raises topics about Language, Literature, and Learning. Scope of writers from the environment of Lecturers / Teachers, Students, and academics. Tiyuh Lampung Journal facilitates the publication of articles on the results of Lecturer Research and Service.


Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.