Nina Septiningrum, Budi Koestoro, Holilulloh Holilulloh


The objectives of the research is to analize: 1)  Lesson Plan (RPP), 2) Learning process, 3) Learning evaluation system, 4) improving students’ achievement through cooperative learning make a match.This research is classroom action research with 3 cycles.The first cycle make a match learning  by using cards which contain questions and the cards which contains answers, the second and third cycle learning  by using make a match through cards, it is done out side of the classroom. Data analysis is collected by observation and analysis with quantitative descriptive. The conclusion of this research are: (1) the planning for cooperative learning through make a  match by synstax of learning activities  are: teacher tell the materials and the competency student should achieve, students are in group in six person doing learning process outside of the classroom by passing 3 post by following the instructions, students answer the test in the post, and the teacher help the students discuss. (2)  learning activity which can be seen  are   discussing, asking, answering the question , giving ideas, and doing  guided task. (3)  Evaluation system is by using multiple choice with 20 items. With the validity 0,73, realibility 0,89 and the difference 0,67 and level of difficulty 0,81. (4) Cooperative learning make a match for international relationship can improve students’ achievement, in XI IPS 1 that is 72 % cycle I and cycle II is 92%  and the third cycle  is 89 %, and in XI IPS 2 cycle I is 62 % and cycle II is 89 % and in cycle III 87 %.

Kata kunci: make a match, prestasi  belajar PKn,  aktivitas siswa.

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