The purpose of this research was to analyze the correlation of the knowledge about teachers education, work motivation and good infrastructure independently (simple correlation) or simultaneously (multiple correlation) with teacher performance This type of research using the technique of correlation. The population in this research the entire country in MTs teachers in South Lampung Regency totaled 130 people. Sampling using tables Krecjie obtained a sample of 40 teachers. The Data collected with a questionnaire and analyzed with the correlation of the product moment. The conclusion of the research was a positive correlation, intimately, and significant 1) knowledge about teacher education with teacher performance by a coefficient of rxly=0,710 ; Â 2) motivation of working with teacher performance with a coefficient of correlation of rx2y =0,693; 3) infrastructure with the performance of the teacher with the correlation coefficient rx3y = 0.560; and 4 local teachers) knowledge, motivation, and infrastructure together with the performance of the teacher with the coefficient of correlation of rxl,2,3y = 0,779. The fourth hip the thesis in accordance with the test criteria that there is a positive correlation for r > 0, closely because r count > 0,60; and significant because r count > r table 0,257.
Kata kunci: pengetahuan kependidikan, motivasi kerja, sarana prasarana, kinerja guru.
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