The purpose of this study to analyze: (1) learning plan design, (2) the learning process, (3) evaluation system, and (4) increase comprehension of the worship ghairu maghdah concept. The method used is studied through three cycles of action. Cycle begins from a step-by-step of the experiential learning model from the first step suggests the experience (experience) to share experiences in a second step (share) or convey personal experiences. Cycle II starting from the third step is to analyze the experience (pross) to connect the experience to real situations (generalize). Cycle III, concluding the analysis of the experience through the application of a similar situation, but clearer (apply). Technical data retrieval is done by testing and observation. Quantitative data were analyzed deductively. The research concludes (1) SAP design prepared by the syntax: the Introduction, Presentation by applying of the experiential learning model begins with analyzing direct experience in accordance with the steps of learning experiential learning consisting of five steps starting from the experience (experience), sharing ( share), the analysis of the experience (pross), take lessons or concludes the analysis and linking of experience with real situations (generalize), and the last implement (apply) experience a similar situation, but more clearly or correctly in accordance with Islamic law , Cover end with tests and reporting results. (2) The process of learning is done for the student increase activity learning of worship ghairu maghdah concept of the xperiential learning model
Kata kunci : model experiential learning, ibadah ghairu maghdah, keaktifan dan pemahaman.
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