The purpose of the study is to analyze: 1 ) the interaction between the approach of learning and motivation the student with students achievement, 2 ) ) the difference achievement students use of learning cooperative type Jigsaw and type STAD; 3 ) the difference achievement students who have highly motivated by the use of learning cooperative type Jigsaw and STAD; 4 ) the difference achievement students who have motivation low by the use of learning cooperative type Jigsaw and STAD.The kind of research this experiment with a design faktorials 2 x2, held in SMPN 3 Jati Agung Lampung Selatan. Respondent is a student of class VIII A and class VIII C 80 students. Data is collected by using poll and tests and analysis of data in using anava test t.
Kata kunci : prestasi fisika, Jigsaw, STAD, motivasi, desain faktorial
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