I Nengah Surata, Budi Koestoro, Abdurrahman Abdurrahman


The purpose of study, to determine: (1) the critical thinking skills of students who were given a model of the learning cycle hypothesis-deductive is higher than a model of the learning cycle empirical-inductive, (2) critical thinking skills of students who were given a model of the learning cycle hypothesisdeductive is higher than a model of the learning cycle empirical-inductive on high formal reasoning. (3) the critical thinking skills of students who were given a model of the learning cycle hypothesis-deductive is lower than a model of the learning cycle empirical-inductive on low formal reasoning. (4) there is interaction between the learning cycle model with a formal reasoning against critical thinking skills of students.The study population was all class X SMA Negeri 1 Way Jepara school year 2011/2012 as many as 224 students.
Kata kunci: berpikir kritis, siklus belajar, penalaran

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