This Sudy of objecties are to determine : 1) the interaction of academic achievement using a type of Jigsaw and STAD with initial ability atudents. 2) The difference increased student achievement using cooperatif learning Jigsaw type is higher than the type STAD sooperatif learning. 3) influence between learning with study of Jigsaw type cooperatif and STAD type at biginning of high ability students. 4) influence between learning with study of Jigsa cooperatif learning and STAD cooperatif learning at biginning of low ability student.
The method used is the study and use traditional methods of quasi experimental 2x2 factorial experimental design. Population were all eight grade students with a purposive sampling technique sampling, is 8d and 8b class. The researtch instrument was a test. Data were analyzed using SPSS 16.0 for windows. Conclusions of research is : 1) there are interaction between learning and the level of initial ability invroving achievement of Al-Qur’an and Hadits student with Fcount=726.412t>Ftabel=4.13 for Jigsaw and data processing Rcount=979>Rtabel=0.339 and to STAD Fcount=310.626>Ftabel=4.13 and data processing Rcount=952>Rtabel=0.339, 2) increasing student achievement lessons Al-Qura’an and Hadits that use cooperatif learning Jigsaw higher type of cooperatif type STAD with average 79.2647 and STAD 77.7059. 3) influence between learning with study of Jigsaw type coopertif and STAD type beginning of high ability students. With Jigsaw 80.1%and STAD 39.2%. 4) influence between learnig with study of Jigsaw cooperatif lerning and STAD cooperatif learning at beginning of low ability student. With Jigsaw 97.6% and STAD 73.4%.
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