Agus Triono, Patuan Raja, M. Thoha B. Sampurnajaya


The method of this research is a qualitative one, through exploratory study and describing the research focus. This research conducted in the Institute of Education and Training of Lampung Province along 2011. The data of the research are achieved from a natural setting in the Institute. The data achievements were supported by managers of the Institute such as; an Institute Leader, a Secretary, division leaders of ;inter institutes relationship, employee up grading, technical skill training. The data are also achieved from the up grade manager level 3, and 4 training alumni, each 3 persons.
The purposes of this research are; (a) to describe the method of organizational learning of the education and training institute of Lampung Province (b) to describe main reason why the learning method was chosen. (c) to describe process of organizational learning of the Institute. This research finds that; (a) method of organizational learning implemented in the research focus is adaptive learning one. In this matter, all members always effort to fulfill all of related regulations. They change to adapt with their environment. (b) The reconstructive learning for the organization is unable to implement. This kind of learning demands members to review goals determined. The method of Process learning/deutro learning as the highest learning level where all of the members always find new learning ways of organizational learning is not also implemented. These disabilities are caused by regulations of the organization and individuals’ disabilities. (c) The process of adaptive learning method can be implemented without design, if members of organization initiate to learn individually and always effort to obey to all of related regulations.
Key words : organizational learning, education, training.

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