Nadya Meriza, Pramudiyanti - Pramudiyanti, Dina Maulina, Rini Rita T. Marpaung



This service activity aims to describe the understanding of MGMP teachers on LOTS and HOTS questions. The activity was held in April 2022 online using the Zoom Meeting application. The number of participants was 36 science teachers, members of the East Lampung MGMP. The training is provided with lecture and question and answer techniques, as well as exercises. Understanding was measured using pretest and posttest. The result of the activity is the average value of the pretest is 42.78 and the average posttest is 55.42, an increase of 12.64 (29.5%). Description of the teacher's understanding of the HOTS and LOTS questions, namely the teacher has increased knowledge based on the test questions in a row: 4.2; 9.0; 13.9; 20.4. As many as 80.95% of the participating teachers have been able to distinguish the level of questions. This result means that the method used is not effective in providing understanding to the teacher.


LOTS questions; HOTS questions; LOTS and HOTS questions training


Kegiatan pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan pemahaman guru MGMP terhadap pertanyaan LOTS dan HOTS.   Kegiatan dilaksanakan pada bulan  April tahun 2022 secara daring menggunakan aplikasi Zoom Meeting.  Jumlah peserta adalah 36 orang guru IPA anggota MGMP Lampung Timur. Pelatihan diberikan dengan teknik ceramah dan tanya jawab, serta latihan. Pemahaman diukur menggunakan pretest dan postes. Hasil kegiatan adalah  nilai rata-rata pretes 42.78 dan rata-rata postes 55,42, terjadi peningkatan sebesar 12,64 (29.5%). Deskripsi pemahaman guru terhadap pertanyaan HOTS dan LOTS yaitu guru memiliki peningkatan pengetahuan berdasarkan butir pertanyaan tes berturut-turut: 4,2; 9,0; 13,9; 20,4. Sebanyak 80,95% guru peserta telah mampu membedakan tingkatan pertanyaan. Hasil ini memberikan makna bahwa metode yang digunakan belum efektif untuk memberikan pemahaman kepada guru.



pertanyaan LOTS, pertanyaan HOTS, pelatihan pertanyaan LOTS dan HOTS.

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