M. A. Aminudin, Noor Fadiawati, Lisa Tania


The purposes of this research were to develop student worksheets based on multiple representations on classification of matter; to describe the characteristics of student worksheets based on multiple representations; to describe the teachers and students responses; and to describe constraints that encountered during the research. This research used Research and Development method. The percentage of teachers responses about aspects in content suitability, readability, and construction of developed student worksheets were 92.63%; 94.73%; and 95.23%, respectively with very good criteria. The percentage of students responses about the readability and attractiveness of developed student worksheets were also very good, with the percentage were 84.42% and 84.71%, respectively.

Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengembangkan Lembar Kerja Siswa (LKS) berbasis multipel representasi pada materi klasifikasi materi, mendeskripsikan karakteristik LKS berbasis multipel representasi, tanggapan guru serta siswa, dan kendala-kendala yang dihadapi dalam penelitian ini. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian dan pengembangan. Persentase tanggapan guru terhadap aspek kesesuaian isi, keterbacaan, dan konstruksi sebesar 92,63%; 94,73%; dan 95,23% dengan kriteria sangat baik. Persentase tanggapan siswa terhadap keterbacaan dan kemenarikan pada LKS yang dikembangkan juga sangat baik yaitu dengan persentase 84,42% dan 84,71%.

Kata kunci: klasifikasi materi, LKS, multipel representasi

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