Ade Rosalina, Noor Fadiawati, Ila Rosilawati


This study aims to develop the student worksheet based on chemical representation of buffer solution material, to describe the responses of teachers and students responses to the worksheet based on the chemical representation of buffer solution material. This study uses the Research and Development. Based on the teacher responses, the student  worksheet that is developed obtained data about aspects of the suitability of the content is 85.00%,  aspects of legibility is 84.00%,  aspects of attractiveness is 81.53%, while based on students responses obtained data on aspects of legibility is 87.46 % and the aspect of the attractiveness is 85.13%. Results of teacher and students response states that thestudentworksheetwhich is developed has a very high quality.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan lembar kerja siswa (LKS) berbasis representasi kimia pada materi larutan penyangga, mendeskripsikan tanggapan guru dan tanggapan siswa terhadap LKS berbasis representasi kimia pada materi larutan penyangga. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Penelitian dan Pengembangan.  Berdasarkan tanggapan guru, LKS yang dikembangkan diperoleh data tentang aspek  kesesuaian isi sebesar 85,00%, aspek  keterbacaan sebesar 84,00% dan aspek kemenarikan sebesar 81,53% , sedangkan tanggapan siswa diperoleh data tentang aspek keterbacaan sebesar 87,46% dan aspek kemenarikan sebesar 85,13%.  Hasil dari tanggapan guru dan siswa menyatakan bahwa LKS yang dikembangkan memiliki kualitas sangat tinggi.


Kata kunci: larutan penyangga, lembar kerja siswa, representasi kimia

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