The Effect of the Lectora Inspire Assisted PBL on Students HOTS and Student Learning Motivation
The Effect of The Lectora Inspire Assisted PBL on Student HOTS and Student Learning Motivation. The goal of this study was to identify the impact of using the Lectora Inspire assisted PBL model on students' HOTS and learning motivation findings, as well as to identify a substantial and positive association between learning motivation and students' HOTS. In this study, two courses were employed; the experimental class used a PBL learning model helped by Lectora Inspire, whereas the control class used a direct instruction approach assisted by Powerpoint. After performing the normality and homogeneity checks required for the t-test and correlation test, data were analyzed using the right tailed test. The findings of the t-test for HOTS were tcount>ttable (3.84>1.667), indicating that H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted and that the use of the PBL with assistance from Lectora Inspire has an impact on students' HOTS. The implementation of the Lectora Inspire supported PBL has an impact on student learning motivation, according to the results of the t-test of learning motivation, which showed that H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted. In the use of the Lectora Inspire supported PBL, the findings of the correlation test showed that student learning motivation is positively and significantly connected with HOTS of students (rcount>rtable [0.7179>0.329]).
DOI: 10.23960/jppk.v12.i2.2023.33
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