Implementation of The CTL Model Assisted by Virtual Lab to HOTS And Student Learning Motivation

Sindy Ariyanti, Murniaty Simorangkir


Implementation of The CTL Model Assisted by Virtual Lab to HOTS and Student Learning Motivation. The implementation of CTL model assisted by virtual lab can be an alternative in learning chemistry. This type of  research is a quasi experiment with a quantitative approach. The instruments used were test instruments with cognitive level C4-C6 and non-test is student learning motivation questionnaire. This study aims to: 1) determine the effect of the implementation of CTL assisted by virtual lab on HOTS and student learning motivation; and 2) determine the correlation between learning motivation and HOTS of students using CTL assisted by virtual lab. Samples were taken by purposive sampling as many as 2 classes, namely experimental and control classes. Data analysis used right-side t-test and correlation test. The results: 1) implementation of  the CTL model assisted by virtual lab has an affects on HOTS and student learning motivation. Where the data obtained on HOTS is tcount>ttable (6.50>1.66827) and learning motivation data obtained tcount>ttable (5.00>1.66827) which shows Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted; 2) student learning motivation is positively and significantly correlated with HOTS using the CTL model asissted by virtual lab with obtained  rcount>rtable (0.45>0.339).


DOI: 10.23960/jppk.v12.i2.2023.32

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