Development of Student Worksheet with Multiple Representation-Based Conceptual Change Learning Model to Reduce Students' Misconceptions on Reaction Rate Material: Aspects of Validity

Verawati Isnaini, Bertha Yonata


Abstract: Development of Student Worksheet with Multiple Representation-Based Conceptual Change Learning Model to Reduce Students' Misconceptions on Reaction Rate Material: Aspects of Validity. The purpose of this study was to determine the validity of the Student Worksheet with a conceptual change learning model based on multiple representations and instrument three tier diagnostic test on the reaction rate material in terms of the presentation aspects of the Student Worksheet, content feasibility, and language aspects. The Student Worksheet is one of the teaching tools that may be utilized to lessen students' misunderstandings by showing the three levels of representation in chemical material. Students can better understand complicated chemistry topics, which can result in misconceptions based on what they already know, by employing a conceptual change learning approach based on numerous representations. The Aiken coefficient (V) validity was employed in content validity analysis, whereas the median data rater was used in construct validity analysis. The results showed that the validation results of the content eligibility criteria using Aiken validity obtained that the percentage of each criterion was determined to be > 0.8 with a high validity predicate, so that Student Worksheet was declared fit for use. While the feasibility of Student Worksheet based on construct feasibility is constructively valid as evidenced by the median value which is in the range of 4 (valid) and 5 (very valid). From this research it is hoped that it can be used as a guide in measuring Student Worksheet and a three tier diagnostic test instrument to reduce misconceptions in students.


Keywords: Validity, Misconceptions, Student Worksheet, Instrument Three Tier Diagnostic Test


Abstrak: Pengembangan LKPD dengan Model Pembelajaran Conceptual Change Berbasis Multiple Representasi untuk Mengurangi Miskonsepsi Peserta Didik pada Materi Laju Reaksi: Aspek Validitas. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui validitas LKPD dengan model pembelajaran conceptual change berbasis multiple representasi dan instrumen three tier diagnostic test pada materi laju reaksi ditinjau dari aspek penyajian, kelayakan isi, dan aspek bahasa. LKPD merupakan salah satu alat ajar yang dapat digunakan untuk mengurangi miskonsepsi peserta didik dengan menunjukkan tiga tingkat representasi dalam materi kimia. Peserta didik dapat lebih memahami topik kimia yang rumit, yang dapat mengakibatkan miskonsepsi berdasarkan apa yang telah mereka ketahui, dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran conceptual change berdasarkan multiple representasi. Validitas koefisien Aiken (V) digunakan dalam analisis validitas isi, sedangkan data rater median digunakan dalam analisis validitas konstruk. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hasil validasi kriteria kelayakan isi menggunakan validitas Aiken diperoleh persentase masing-masing kriteria ditetapkan > 0,8 dengan predikat validitas tinggi, sehingga LKPD dinyatakan layak digunakan. Sedangkan kelayakan LKPD berdasarkan kelayakan konstruk adalah valid secara konstruktif yang dibuktikan dengan nilai median yang berada pada rentang 4 (valid) dan 5 (sangat valid). Dari penelitian ini diharapkan dapat digunakan sebagai pedoman dalam mengukur LKPD dan instrumen three tier diagnostic test untuk mengurangi miskonsepsi pada peserta didik.


Kata Kunci: Validitas, Miskonsepsi, Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik, Instrumen Three Tier Diagnostic Test

DOI: 10.23960/jppk.v12.i2.2023.18

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