Design of Five-Tier Diagnostic Test for Misconception Identification on Stoichiometry Material

Zumroatus Sa'adah, Wiwik Kartika Sari


Misconception is a crucial case to be researched. Many high school students experience difficulties in understanding stoichiometry material in terms of the results of the final semester exams. Diagnostic tests are a measuring tool that can help teachers identify misconceptions and help students overcome these weaknesses appropriately. This study aims to develop a five-tier diagnostic test instrument to analyze students' misconceptions about stoichiometry. This type of research uses a Research and Development (RnD) approach. The research model used is 3D. The content validity of the five tier diagnostic test was assessed from the five validators who were declared valid. The data was obtained from the assessment of the validation sheet of 5 expert validators by obtaining an average coefficient of V of 0.876 using Aiken's V. The test instrument was tested on 28 students of SMA Simanjaya class XI. The results of the analysis of the empirical validity data of the five tier diagnostic test show that 15 out of 25 questions are valid and have high reliability.

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