The study which use research and development method was aimed to describe the characteristic of creative thinking ability assessment, responses of teacher and students to the developed assessment. The developed assessment characteristic was used to measure students' cognitive skills, especially creative thinking ability of students. Based on the validation results of the developed assessment, it was obtained high category on the construction and contents suitability with the curriculum aspects, and very high on readability aspect. The results of teachers respons to these aspects have a very high category. In other hand, the results of students' responses to the readability aspect also has a very high category. The trial results of assessment to students' showed that the assessment is valid and the reliability has a high value.
Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian dan pengembangan yang bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan karakteristik asesmen kemampuan berpikir kreatif, tanggapan guru dan siswa terhadap asesmen yang dikembangkan. Karakteristik asesmen yang dikembangkan adalah mengukur ranah kognitif siswa, khususnya mengukur kemampuan berpikir kreatif siswa. Berdasarkan hasil validasi terhadap asesmen yang dikembangkan, diperoleh kategori tinggi pada aspek konstruksi dan aspek kesesuaian isi dengan kurikulum, dan sangat tinggi pada aspek keterbacaan. Hasil tanggapan guru terhadap ketiga aspek tersebut memiliki kategori sangat tinggi. Sementara, hasil respon siswa terhadap aspek keterbacaan juga memiliki kategori sangat tinggi. Hasil uji coba asesmen ke siswa menunjukkan bahwa asesmen ini valid dan reliabilitas bernilai tinggi.
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